700 次PI3KCIIα自噬防小鼠低剪切应力引起的内皮功能障碍与动脉粥样硬化 2024-9-10
PI3KCIIα-Dependent Autophagy Program Protect From Endothelial Dysfunction and Atherosclerosis in Response to Low Shear Stress in MiceKeywords: atherosclerosis; autophagy; end
629 次抑制膜修复蛋白膜联蛋白-A2可防止肿瘤侵袭和转移 2024-9-10
Inhibition of the membrane repair protein annexin-A2 prevents tumor invasion and metastasisKeywords: Annexins; AsPC-1; Invasion; MDA-MB-231; Metastasis; S100 proteins; Tumor progre
1762 次Zyxin对足细胞的稳定和功能的重要性—尤其在机械拉伸期间 2024-9-3
Zyxin is important for the stability and function of podocytes, especially during mechanical stretchSubject terms: Cell biology, Kidney, Kidney diseases, Cytoskeleton, Mechanisms o
1155 次结直肠癌相关成纤维细胞通过NECTIN2信号抑制效应T细胞 2024-9-3
Colorectal cancer-associated fibroblasts inhibit effector T cells via NECTIN2 signalingKeywords: Cancer-associated fibroblasts; Colorectal cancer; Fibroblast heterogeneity; NECTIN2
650 次新生内膜肌成纤维细胞参与维持巨细胞动脉炎中Th1/Tc1和Th17/Tc17炎症 2024-8-20
Neointimal myofibroblasts contribute to maintaining Th1/Tc1 and Th17/Tc17 inflammation in giant cell arteritisKeywords: Giant cell arteritis; Interferon-gamma; Myofibroblasts; Vasc
605 次机械反应性导致静脉曲张内皮功能障碍和动脉化 2024-8-20
Mechanoresponsive ETS1 causes endothelial dysfunction and arterialization in varicose veins via NOTCH4/DLL4 signalingKeywords: ETS; Endothelium; Notch; Shear stress; Therapeutics;
759 次人肝微粒体应用于N-脱烷基化和羟基化代谢物的研究 2024-8-20
近日,公安部禁毒情报技术中心李静老师,使用IPHASE品牌产品:人肝微粒体在《Biomedical Chromatography》权威期刊上发表文章《UPLC-HR-MS/MS-based determination study on the metabolism of
562 次MCE产品在药物筛选实验领域的应用案例分享 2024-8-9
每次说到高通量筛选,小 M 听到最多的疑问就是,药物筛选实验该怎么做?如何保障我们筛选出的先导化合物的正确性?本期小 M 就来带您看看 MCE 客户如何做药物筛选实验?01药物筛选众所周知,高通