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  (J) Violin plot comparing the expression of markers in undamaged hepatocytes, post-PHx hepatocytes isolated and Hep-Orgs. Expression of cell-cycle-/growthrelated genes is given in the top row. Markers were selected for their specific expression in regenerating liver, but unrelated to cell cycling (bottom-three rows). Transcript counts are provided on log10 scale.

  Hubrecht Organoid Technology 作为类器官培养的顶级研究机构,在本次研究中,研究人员探讨了成熟小鼠肝细胞和人肝细胞的直接增殖能力,并描述了一种与胆管细胞衍生的类器官不同的增殖性肝细胞类器官(Hep Orgs)的长期培养系统。本研究可以达到以单个肝细胞建立类器官并生长数月,同时保留关键的形态学,功能和基因表达特征。类似物的转录谱类似于PHx后增殖的肝细胞的转录谱。植入小鼠后,人肝细胞类器官大量繁殖,从而概括了肝细胞的增殖损伤反应。

  研究人员从野生型成体C57BL / 6小鼠肝脏中分离出原代肝细胞,并不断调整改善培养条件,从能能够促进类器官生长。结果表明小鼠Hep-Orgs起源于单个成熟肝细胞。然后通过免疫荧光和免疫组织化学染色分析Hep-Orgs。Hep-Orgs显示出强烈的albu min表达(绿色),但胆管标记物Krt19或Krt7呈阴性。值得注意的是,参与肝细胞功能的基因如细胞色素P450活性,糖原代谢,脂质代谢,类固醇代谢,尿素循环和补体活化都在Hep-Orgs和原代肝细胞之间显示出相似的表达谱。


  Characterization of Mouse Hepatocyte Organoids

  (A) Confocal z stack (left) and single plane (right) images of Hep-Orgs. Albumin (green), E-cadherin (red, right panel), and DAPI (blue). Scale bar = 20 mm.

  (B) Confocal z stack (left) and single plane (right) images of mouse Chol-Orgs. Krt7 (blue), Krt19 (Red), and DAPI (white). Scale bar = 20 mm.

  (C and D) qRT-PCR analysis of gene expression of hepatocyte markers

  (C) and cholangiocyte/progenitor markers (D) in Hep-Orgs and Chol-Orgs relative to primary hepatocytes. Graph presents mean results from 4 replicates from three independent mice. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. ** indicates p < 0.01, *** indicates p < 0.001.

  (E) Glycogen accumulation evaluated by Periodic-Acid Schiff (PAS) staining (dark pink) in Hep-Orgs. Nuclei were stained with hematoxylin (blue). Scale Bar = 20 mm.

  (F) Low density lipoprotein (LDL) uptake was analyzed by Dil-ac-LDL fluorescent staining (Red) in cultured Hep-Orgs. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar = 20 mm.

  (G) Albumin secretion measured after 24h culturing of primary hepatocytes, Hep-Orgs of Passage 0 (P0) day 15 and Passage 3 (P3) and Chol-Orgs in expansion medium (EM) or differentiation medium (DM). Results are indicated as picograms of albumin per cell. Data are represented as mean ± SEM.

  (H) Measurement of cytochrome activity (Cyp1a2) in cultured primary hepatocytes, Hep-Orgs of p0 day 15 and p3. Relative light units (RLU) per ml per million cells is indicated. Data are represented as mean ± SEM.

  (I) Heatmap of liver gene expression determined by mRNA sequencing comparing three independent Hep-Orgs, (p1) with primary hepatocytes (n = 1), and three independent Chol-Orgs (p8-p12) in expansion medium (EM) (full gene list in Figure S2K)




  Single-Cell Transcriptome Analysis of Hep-Orgs

  (A) Overview of single-cell sequencing experiment of Hep-Orgs and Chol-Orgs and hepatocytes isolated from Albumin-CreERT2; Rosa26-LSL-tdTomato mice (‘‘undamaged control’’) or 3 days after 2/3 partial hepatectomy (‘‘regeneration’’).

  (B) t-SNE maps indicating origin of individual cells: Hep-Org cells (green), Chol-Org cells (blue).

  (C-D) t-SNE plot showing the expression of Alb (C) and Krt7 (D) in single cells derived from Hep-Orgs and Chol-Orgs. Expression is given as normalized log2 value.

  (E) t-SNE map of all cell clusters from Hep-Orgs obtained by RaceID2 algorithm.

  (F-H) t-SNE plot showing the expression levels of Alb (F), Pcna (G), and Krt7 (H) in Hep-Orgs. Expression is given as normalized log2 value.

  (I) GSEA of genes in Hep-Orgs versus primary hepatocytes. Expression enrichment was compared to a gene set of differentially expressed genes generated by comparing mouse liver three days after partial hepatectomy compared with control non-damaged liver. Enrichment of upregulat d genes at 3 days post-PHx: upper panel; enrichment of downregulated genes at 3 days of post-PHx (lower panel).





  Huili Hu, et al. Long-Term Expansion of Functional Mouse and Human Hepatocytes as 3D Organoids. Cell. 2018 Nov 19.


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手机版:AbMole再登Cell 助类器官顶级研究机构取得突破性成果
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