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当前位置 > 首页 > 技术文章 > 跨行业共享-微射流纳米均质机化工领域应用文献


浏览次数:288 发布日期:2020-2-19  来源:国外
Chemical Application Charts
Samples PSI Passes Results
75% Ag, 25% Pd powder in D.I. water 8800 10 Required pressure feed. Particle size from 20 to < 1µ
Wax dispersion,
lumber preservative
12100 2 Preheat sample to 60C
Particle size .136µ +/- 20%
Red ink, water based 10200 1 1-7µ originally, reduced to 0.11µ. Intensified color.
Green ink, water based 10200 1 1-10µ originally, reduced to 0.10µ. Intensified color.
Black ink (iron oxide) 10000 1 1-6µ originally, agglomerate reduced to mostly submicron.
10% Cobalt aluminate (pigment) 5000 1 Original size 0.95µ
  10000 1 0.641µ ± 26%
0.553µ ± 17%
20% Ultramarine
5100 1 Original size 5.48µ
  10500 1 1.07µ +/- 41%
0.872µ +/- 51%
63% TiO2 w/blue pigment  10000 3 Pigment aggreg. < 5µ
TiO2 particles 1-2µ
  14000 2 Uniform pigment aggreg.< 3µ
25% phthalo blue pigment in aqueous w/1% surf 15000 3 Viscosity increase noted.
Mostly primary particles.
< 1% were aggregates > 10µ

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