iTRAQ(Isobaric Tag for Relative Absolute Quantitation)和TMT(Tandem Mass Tags)技术是分别由美国AB Sciex公司和Thermo公司研发的多肽体外标记定量技术。这两种技术采用2-10种稳定同位素标签,通过特异性 标记多肽的氨基基团,然后进行串联质谱分析,可同时比较多达10种不同样本中蛋白质的相对含量。
Thermo Scientific Q Exactive/Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Plus/Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion
[1]Yang QS, Wu JH, et al. Quantitative proteomic analysis reveals that antioxidation mechanisms contribute to cold tolerance in plantain (Musa paradisiacal L.; ABB Group) seedlings. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2012; 11(12): 1853-69.
[2]Leivonen SK, Rokka A, et al. Identification of miR-193b targets in breast cancer cell and systems biological analysis of their functional impact. Mol Cell Proteomics.2011; 10(7).
[3]Xu C, Gao X, et al. The basal level ethylene response is important to the wall and endomembrane structure in the hypocotyl cells of etiolated arabidopsis seedlings. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2012; 54(7): 434-55.
相关技术服务:定量蛋白质组表达谱分析 iTRAQ/TMT