530 次机械应力诱导小鼠滑膜成纤维细胞中的钠离子进入和渗透保护反应 2024-7-29
Mechanical Stress Induces Sodium Entry and Osmoprotective Responses in Murine Synovial FibroblastsKeywords: osteoarthritis; sodium chloride; synovial fibroblast.全世界有数百万人患有
743 次雌激素受体-α在调节软骨细胞表型和机械负荷反应中的新作用 2024-7-29
Novel role of estrogen receptor-α on regulating chondrocyte phenotype and response to mechanical loadingKeywords: Chondrocytes; Estrogen receptor-α; Mechanical loading;
608 次血流动力学应力塑造骨关节炎软骨下骨:一项新出现的假设 2024-7-18
Hemodynamic stress shapes subchondral bone in osteoarthritis: An emerging hypothesisKeywords: Osteoarthritis;Subchondral trabecular bone;Pulse pressure;Heart rate骨关节炎(OA)不