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Xiao Dong Pro-health (Suzhou) Instrumentation Co Ltd
 地址 苏州市相城区黄埭镇安民路6号   
 电话/手机 13564391812  13564391812
 在线咨询 3404284485
 邮箱 1169983063@qq.com
 官网 https://smartdongest.com/index.aspx
 联系人 朱经理
 总访问 4078
 半年访问 123
 产品 晓东宜健(苏州)仪器设备有限公司共有77条产品信息
 服务 晓东宜健(苏州)仪器设备有限公司共有4条服务信息
       食品、口服药对我们的生活质量Life Quality (LQ) 有着巨大的影响。大量的前期实验是必要的。晓东宜健系列设备,在减少大量动物实验的同时,将使食品医药产业感受到“如虎添翼”。
Xiao Dong Pro-health (Suzhou) Instrumentation Co Ltd has been established based on an idea of biology-inspired chemical engineering created in 2004 at Auckland (New Zealand) and has now substantially extended the early primitive devices constructed for research at Monash University (Australia). These were considered as the Bio-mimic In Vitro Digestion-Absorption Systems. The human system and rat system, and a variety of related devices of different generations have been developed over these many years. Today, a range of modern devices are manufactured at the company. 

In the development of functional foods including probiotics containing foods, and orally delivered medicines, etc., it is advantageous to have effective in vitro systems to perform pre-clinical experiments. Through designing and constructing realistic devices, realizing the desired physiological functions, one can progress on excellent scientific studies. The technology provides a Technical Platform for fundamental studies as well as product developments. These help understanding what is going on in the digestive tracks, realizing the objectives that are extremely difficult in vivo. The company laboratory is providing a range of testing services, which help achieve research goals and product development goals. Companies in food, pharmaceutical fields and universities are our usual clients. 

How to create a relevant in vitro system that can reflect as close as possible the real situation? This has been a great challenge. The original idea here was that one could follow closely the anatomies of human and animals (geometrically, mechanically and biochemically) to make ‘organs’ of interest. Then, a range of mechanical, electrical and electronics, and computer programming aspects have to come in together to ensure the motility and functionality of the in vitro system(s) realistic.  The designs can be age-dependent like child and adult. An effective in vitro system can help reducing the number of animals slaughtered for in vivo tests. 

In addition to bio-mimic human systems, different animals due to their distinct differences in anatomies and functions in general should have their corresponding in vitro systems. These are relevant perhaps for developing animal feeds (stock foods or pet foods) etc. The company has established a general methodology to design and construct animal specific devices, chicken, pig, fish or even cow. 

Through these years of developments and hard-working, rather realistic systems are available. The company is aiming at Improving Life Quality of People through its unique technologies and its future innovations. LQ essentially. We all know IQ and EQ are important qualities of an individual. LQ, on the other hand, is valid for everybody. The company is pushing forward with even greater ideas ahead.
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