研究团队利用CRISPR/Cas9技术,培育出了Ythdf1 敲除小鼠 (Ythdf1-KO)。Morris水迷宫实验显示与野生型小鼠对比,Ythdf1-KO小鼠的空间记忆能力明显降低。
另外通过经典的条件恐惧测试实验,在经过电击刺激的训练之后,Ythdf1-KO小鼠在实验间歇期(ITI)freezing的表现相对较少,而听觉相关的恐惧反应(与杏仁核功能相关)(即freezing)的表现没有改变,由此也提示了 Ythdf1的缺失扰乱了小鼠海马正常的空间学习记忆能力。具体实验数据如下图所示。
Figure 1.Impaired spatial learning and memory in Ythdf1-KO mice.
b, Representative images of Ythdf1 immunostaining (
a) and Hoechst (
b) in the control and
Ythdf1-KO hippocampus. DG, dentate gyrus; P30/P120, postnatal day 30/120.
d, Learning curves of control (blue) and
Ythdf1-KO (red) mice in Morris water maze (MWM) tests in visible (
c) and hidden (
d) platform training.
e, Quadrant time (%) (left) and representative swimming paths (right) of control and
Ythdf1-KO mice in the MWM probe test. The red dash line represents the chance level (25%).
f, Learning curves of control (blue) and
Ythdf1-KO mice (red) for contextual fear conditioning (FC) in moderate (left) or strong (right) training sessions. Base, baseline; ITI, inter-trial interval.
h, Contextual fear memory assessed 24 hours (
g) or 2 hours (
h) after the indicated FC.
P values, two-way ANOVA with two tailed
t-test (relative to “Target” or between genotypes) (
e), two-way repeated measures ANOVA with post hoc test (
f), and two-tailed
t-test (
h). Numbers in bars, numbers of mice. Error bars, mean ± s.e.m.
为了探究Ythdf1的作用机制,通过电生理实验,研究团队发现相较于对照组,Ythdf1-KO小鼠 CA1神经元的mEPSCs的振幅和频率显著降低 (Fig. 2a-b)。配对脉冲比(PPRs)分析也显示Ythdf1-KO CA1神经元突触前释放概率降低((Extended Data Fig. 4a-b),),由此也证实了Ythdf1缺失造成了基础突触传递功能的缺陷。同时形态学染色结果显示,Ythdf1-KO CA1神经元降低了树突棘密度,但并未改变棘的大小 (Extended Data Fig. 4c-d)。
igure 2. Deficient basal transmission and plasticity in Ythdf1-KO hippocampal synapses.
a,b, Representative traces (a) and quantification of amplitude (b, left) and frequency (b, right) of spontaneous miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) in control and Ythdf1-KO hippocampal CA1 neurons. c, d, Summary plots (c) and average amplitude (d) of long-term potentiation (LTP) induced by 2 × high frequency stimulation (HFS) in the CA1 region of control and Ythdf1-KO acute slices. fEPSP, field excitatory postsynaptic potential. e, f, Summary plots (e) and average amplitude (f) of late phase LTP induced by 4 × HFS. Top panels, sample traces taken at time points 1 and 2 indicated above the summary plots; scale bars, 10 ms (horizontal) and 0.2 mV (vertical) (c, e). g, h, Representative western blots (g) and quantification (h) of a number of LTP-related proteins in the control and Ythdf1-KO hippocampal postsynaptic density (PSD) fraction. P values, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for cumulative distributions followed by comparisons with Mann–Whitney U test (b) and two-tailed t-test (d, f, h). Numbers in bars, numbers of neurons/mice (b), slices/mice (d, f), and mice (h). Error bars, mean ± s.e.m
为了进一步探究Ythdf1是否能够调控长时程的突触可塑性,通过一种主流的阐释学习记忆的分子机制——长时程增强效应(Long Term Potentiation ,LTP),即通过给与海马CA1区高频刺激,记录Ythdf1-KO和对照组小鼠(野生型)的LTP,结果显示,Ythdf1-KO未能显示正常水平的突触后电位。同时Ythdf1的缺失显著降低了海马神经元突触后致密物中参与LTP的关键蛋白质的水平 (Fig. 2g-h; Extended Data Fig. 4e)。以上实验结果显示,Ythdf1的缺失损害了海马区神经元的突触传导功能,由此导致学习和记忆能力的下降。
Extended Data Figure 4 |. Paired-pulse ratios (PPR), spine morphology, and total protein levels of various LTP-related genes in Ythdf1-KO mouse hippocampus, related to Figure 2.
b, PPR with different inter-stimulus intervals in CA1 neurons from wild-type control and Ythdf1-KO mice.
d, Representative images of Lucifer Yellow staining (
c) and statistical analyses of spine density (
d, left) and spine size (
d, right) in CA1 neurons from adult control and Ythdf1-KO brain.
e, Uncropped western blot images for Fig. 2g.
f, Total protein levels of a set of LTP-related genes in control and Ythdf1-KO mouse hippocampus. For gel source data, see Supplementary Figure 1. P values, two-way repeated measures ANOVA with post hoc two-tailed t-test (
a) and two tailed t-test (
f). Numbers in bars, numbers of slices (
b), neurons/mice (
d, left), spines (
d, right), or mice (
f). Error bars, mean ± s.e.m.
为了证实小鼠学习记忆功能的下降是由海马区Ythdf1缺失导致的,研究团队针对Ythdf1-KO成年小鼠重表达了海马区Ythdf1,Morris水迷宫实验和情景相关条件恐惧实验证实,重表达Ythdf1的Ythdf1-KO小鼠学习记忆能力大幅度提高。同时KCl去极化刺激实验和电痉挛疗法实验显示, Ythdf1介导的蛋白质合成功能,可在神经元的刺激下趋于正常化。