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浏览次数:1180 发布日期:2022-4-2  来源:本站 仅供参考,谢绝转载,否则责任自负

来自法国农业科学院等研究机构的专家,利用Hiphen公司开发的Airphen多光谱成像系统(集成与表型车上),发表了题为“Pixelwise instance segmentation of leaves in dense foliage”的文章,文章发表于Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,Volume195,April 2022,106797。






Pixelwise instance segmentation of leaves in dense foliage


Pixelwise Instance segmentation of leaves is performed on mixes of plant species.
A new shape-based loss function is proposed and applied to each connected component.
The segmentation output is refined using a Watershed and a DeepIndices approach.
A benchmark of the method is performed on “leaf segmentation challenges”.
A new multi-spectral dataset of 300 images acquired in natural light is shared. 

Detecting and identifying plants using image analysis is a key step for many applications in precision agriculture (from phenotyping to site specific weed management). Instance segmentation is usually carried on to detect entire plants. However, the shape of the detected objects changes between individuals and growth stages. A relevant approach to reduce these variations is to narrow the detection on the leaf. Nevertheless, segmenting leaves is a difficult task, when images contain mixes of plant species, and when individuals overlap, particularly in an uncontrolled outdoor environment. To leverage this issue, this study based on recent Convolutional Neural Network mechanisms, proposes a pixelwise instance segmentation to detect leaves in dense foliage environment. It combines “deep contour aware” (to separate the inner of big leaves from its edges), “Leaf Segmentation trough classification of edges” (to separate instances with a specific inner edges) and “Pyramid CNN for Dense Leaves” (to consider edges at different scales). But the segmentation output is also refined using a Watershed and a method to compute optimized vegetation indices (DeepIndices). The method is compared to others running the leaf segmentation challenge (provided by the International Network on Plant Phenotyping) and applied on an external dataset of Komatsuna plants. In addition, a new multispectral dataset of 300 images of bean plants is introduced (with dense foliage, individuals overlapping, mixes of species and natural lighting conditions). The ground truth (e.g. the leaves boundaries) is defined by labelled polygons and can be used to train and assess the performance of various algorithms dedicated to leaf detection or crop/weed classification. On the usual datasets, the performances of the proposed method are similar to those of the usual methods involved in the leaf segmentation challenges. On the new dataset, their results are strongly better than those of the usual RCNN method. Remaining errors are bad fusion between neighboring areas and over segmentation of multi-foliate leaves. Structural analysis methods could be studied in order to overcome these deficiencies. 


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