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过氧化氢蒸汽 ( H P V ) 生物有效性

浏览次数:4758 发布日期:2017-6-23 

过氧化氢蒸汽 ( H P V ) 生物有效性

©Bioquell UK Ltd (2011). 版权所有                技术报告HPV 生物有效性069/11

过氧化氢蒸汽(HPV)灭菌的特点是无残留(其分解产物只有水和氧气)和仅需较低的环境温度 ,蒸汽发生阶段增加了灭菌过程的实用性。过氧化氢蒸汽(HPV)已经对许多生物及不同级别的生物进行了灭菌测试,实验证明:过氧化氢蒸汽(HPV)对包括细菌、病毒和真菌在内的微生物均具有广谱杀菌的功效。过氧化氢蒸汽(HPV)对于普遍存在于环境表面的细菌孢子灭杀的有效性经验证是可以反复进行的,因此,它位于Spaulding分类中的第一位。文件中列出的有机体是按广义分类的(例如细菌、病毒和真菌)并按照它们的微生物特点进行了划分。实验证明,利用过氧化氢蒸汽(HPV)对微生物进行消毒灭菌可达到6-log的灭杀率。


1 . 经测试的生物及参考文献/出处

1.1 细菌和细菌孢子

1.2 病毒 

1.3 噬菌体 

1.4 真菌

1.5 线虫类和原生动物

1.6 其他

2. 参考文献/出处 

 1.  经测试的生物及参考文献/ 出处

1.1 细菌和细菌孢子

1.2 病毒

1.3 噬菌体

1.4 真菌

1.5 线虫类和原生动物

1.6 其他

i 证据显示HPV可以灭活 蛋白质易传染粒子 (38).

i 重要研究显示HPV 对断裂的DNA在分子生物学应用中起到至关重要的作用(39).


 2.  参考文献/  出处

1. Rogers, J. V., C. L. Sabourin, Y. W. Choi, W. R. Richter, D. C. Rudnicki, K. B. Riggs, M. L. Taylor, and J. Ch a ng.

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10. Boyce, J. M., N. L. Havill, J. A. Otter, L. C. McDonald, N. M. Adams, T. Cooper,

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12. Case study f rom a room bio-decontamination at Imperial College School of Medicine.

2003. Contact Bioquell for further details.

13. Hall, L., J. A. Otter, J. Chewins, and N. L. Wengenack. 2007. Use of hydrogen peroxide vapor for deactivation of

Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a biological safety cabinet and a room. J.Clin.Microbiol. 45:810 - 815.

14. French, G. L., J. A. Otter, K. P. Shannon, N. M. Adams, D. Watling, a nd M. J. Parks.

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Applied Microbiology and Research),

Porton Down UK. 2001.

19. Assessment of the ef f icacy of vapour phase hydrogen peroxide as a room disinfectant. Health Protection Agency

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23. Otter, J. A., J. Chewins, D. Windsor, and H. Windsor. 2008. Microbiological contamination

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24. Rickloff, J. R. 1990. Use of Vapourized Hydrogen Peroxide for the Bio-decontamination of

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25. Heckert, R. A., M. Best, L. T. Jordan, G. C. Dulac, D. L. Eddington, and W. G. Sterritt.

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26. Adenovirus deactivation trials. Conducted in commercial confidence. 2003. Contact Bioquell for

further details.

27. Viral deactivation trials. Conducted in commercial confidence. 2002. Contact Bioquell

for further details.

28. McDonnell, G., Belete, B., Fritz, C., and Hartling, J. 2001. Room decontamination with vapour hydrogen

peroxide VHP for environmental control of parvovirus. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science(AALAS), Annual meeting. Baltimore, MD.

29. Rudnick, S. N., J. J. McDevitt, M. W. First, and J. D. Spengler. 2009. Inactivating

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30. Investigation into the efficacy of hydrogen peroxide vapour in the bio-deactivation of Dengue virus. 2003.

Conducted in commercial confidence. Contact Bioquell for f urther details.

31. Otter, J. A., M. Barnicoat, J. Down, D. Smyth, S. Yezli, and A. Jeanes. 2010. Hydrogen peroxide vapor (HPV)

decontamination of an intensive care unit room used to treat a patient with Lassa fever. J.Hosp.Infect.in press.

32. Otter, J. A. and A. Budde-Niekiel. 2009. Hydrogen peroxide vapor: a novel method for the environmental

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33. Pottage, T., C. Richardson, S. Parks, J. T. Walker, and A. M. Bennett. 2010. Evaluation of hydrogen peroxide

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J.Hosp.Infect. 74:55 - 61.

34. Information supplied with kind permission of Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana.


35. Hall, L., J. A. Otter, J. Chewins, and N. L. Wengenack. 2008. Deactivation of the dimorphic f ungi

Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis and Coccidioides immitis using hydrogen peroxide vapor.

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36. Gustin, E. J., McDonnell, G. E., Mullen, G., and Gordon, B. E. 2002. The efficacy of vapour phase hydrogen

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37. Krause, J. and Riedesel, H. 2002. Elimination of pinworm eggs from caging equipment with vapourised

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38. Fichet, G., K. Antloga, E. Comoy, J. P. Deslys, a nd G. McDonnell. 2007. Prion inactivation using a new gaseous

hydrogen peroxide sterilisation process. J.Hosp.Infect. 67:278 - 286.

39. DNA degradation studies. Conducted in commercial confidence. 2008. Contact Bioquell

for further details.


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