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orthotopic and metastasis models of breast, prostate and pancreatic cancer and multiple myeloma.
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服务商: 北京荣志海达生物科技有限公司 查看该公司所有服务 >>
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Pharmatest offers full-service efficacy testing of new cancer drug candidates. Pharmatest’s strategy is to offer in vitro cancer cell cultures and clinically predictive animal models with the same cancer cell lines. The in vitro studies will demonstrate what cancer cell lines are affected by the test compounds, and the efficacy is then confirmed in vivo with the animal models. This strategy will save time and costs for our customers and reduce the amount of animal experiments needed. 

Pharmatest is specialized in orthotopic and metastasis models of breast, prostate and pancreatic cancer and multiple myeloma. The major advantage of these models is the proper tissue microenvironment that is known to affect tumor growth, metastasis and drug resistance. This increases substantially the clinical relevance and predictivity over traditionally used subcutaneous models that lack the proper microenvironment. The table below summarizes the orthotopic and metastasis models that are currently available in Pharmatest.


Tissue Cell Line Property Type Route Metastasis
Breast MDA-MB-231(SA)* Triple-negative Xenograft Intracardiac Bone
Orthotopic Lung, Lymph nodes
4T1* Triple-negative Syngeneic Intracardiac Bone
Orthotopic Lung, Liver, Lymph nodes
MCF-7 ER+ Xenograft Orthotopic None
BT474 Triple-positive Xenograft Intratibial Bone
Prostate PC-3 AR- Xenograft
Intratibial Bone
Orthotopic Lymph nodes
LNCaP AR+, PSA+ Xenograft Intratibial Bone
Orthotopic None
VCaP AR+, PSA+ Xenograft Intratibial Bone
Pancreas BxPC3**   Xenograft Orthotopic None
Blood/Multiple myeloma 5TGM1   Syngeneic Tail vein Bone

*Available with GFP label

**Available with luciferace label

All cancer cell lines listed above are also available for in vitro cancer cell culture assays and subcutaneous animal models, as are some other cancer cell lines without validated orthotopic or metastasis models that can be found here.

If your focus is on cancer bone metastases, we would also like to invite you to take a look at our in vitro osteoclast assays that are useful for testing novel cancer drug compounds targeting osteoclasts to inhibit the vicious cycle of cancer-induced bone disease.

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