Assay Services
Aurora Biomed provides functional assay services on an exclusive, out-sourced basis.
We are currently carrying out assay services for various ion channel targets including hERG safety screen. Several options for these services exist, we can read/test flux assay samples from your experiments on ICR, we can screen your compounds/library in our laboratories or we can accept cell lines to develop assay for you as part of our services.
Aurora Biomed has a team of highly trained molecular biologists have a solid understanding of ion channels and flux assays. We enjoy a challenge and feel confident in providing solutions to further your ion channel screening needs.
We are pleased to offer both cold flux assays using our proprietary Ion Channel Reader technology and manual voltage-clamp electrophysiology assays.
Cold flux assays utilize tracer ions to study the ion channel of interest. The method of detection for Aurora Biomed’s cold flux assays is flame atomic absorption spectroscopy as employed by our proprietary Ion Channel Reader technology. The Ion Channel Reader Series provides a high throughput format for ion channel screening by the flux assay approach. The use of high throughput assays helps reduce the burden on electrophysiology by providing some idea of which compounds should be screened if resources are limited and not all compounds can be screened with manual-patch clamp. The cold flux assay approach is ideal for determining which compounds to follow up with electrophysiology as there is a strong linear correlation (R=0.88) and consistently identical drug rank orders between the two methods.
Manual voltage-clamp electrophysiology is the gold-standard for ion channel screening. Moreover, the FDA requires in vitro electrophysiology studies in conjunction with in vivo studies for compounds submitted for NDA status. Oocyte-based studies assess potential cellular mechanisms that may not be evident from in vivo data.
ICR 12000
The ICR 12000 designed for ultra high throughput screening of compound libraries against ion channel targets. Based on the robustness of Aurora Biomed''s ICR technology, the reader offers high sensitivity generating accurate drug rank order matching electrophysiology data. This new member of the ICR series provides the throughput to access compound QT liability early in the drug discovery process.
The technology is based upon the versatility, precision, and sensitivity of atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and Aurora Biomed''s patented microsampling process. Ion Channel Technology is suitable for both ligand-gated and voltage-gated ion channels using cell-based flux assays.
• High Throughput: Up to 60,000 wells/day
• Multi-Channel: Measures 12 samples at a time
• Minimum sample volume: 20 µl
• Accommodation: 96/384-well microplates
• Footprint: H.135 cm X W.134cm X D.97cm
• Fuel Source: Natural Gas / Compressed Air
• Includes: Plate Stacker / Bar Code Reader
• Sensitivity: 0.05 ppm detection limit
• Precision: < 5% CV
CR technology is suitable for many types of ion channels broad applications include:
• Shaker (Kv1.1, Kv1.4 and Kv1.5)
• hERG
• B/SKCa
• Kir2.1
• nAChR
• KATP (P2X family)
创建于1990年的欧罗拉科技集团公司(Aurora Group Company)是北美著名的生化仪器设备公司,总公司位于加拿大温哥华,目前在美国、欧洲、中国等全球大部分国家和地区均有分支、代理机构。
Aurora 公司致力于创建集产、学、研、科、工、贸于一体的国际化生物工程技术的研发企业, 主要从事药物开发方案提供、药物安全监测及生化分析仪器自动化系统生产,有着坚实的设备研发生产力量。公司技术领先的原子吸收原子荧光光谱仪系列产品,被广泛应用到RoHS检测,环境监测,矿产,冶金,食品安全,药物研发等多种领域。公司还充分利用自身在光机电、自动化与人工智能、现代化工、生物工程技术等方面的优势,参与当今国际上多种新型药物的开发、试制合作。作为 Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC)认可成员,向海内外的用户保证我们具备足够的技术和财力满足竟标的要求,拥有ISO 9001:2008 质量管理体系认证, 产品符合ISO 严格的质量标准。
公司率先成功的把2003年诺贝尔化学奖的离子通道技术应用到相关的药物生化分析、筛选设备上,奠定了其在业内的领先地位。目前世界上最大的20家制药厂就有15家购置和使用本公司的产品。公司有多项技术和产品获得发明专利。在公司创新性的离子通道应用研究成果的鼓舞和推动下,Aurora Biomed与多位志同道合的杰出科学家和企业家共同组织召开每年一度的有广泛影响的离子通道国际学术会议,为世界各地所有从事细胞离子通道研究的研究工作者提供了自由的信息交流和合作平台,为公司赢得广泛赞誉。
公司生产的仪器为为分析化学家和新药开发人员提供了独特的,高质量的,高性价比的分析仪器及长期的技术支持。公司所获得的赞誉不仅来自于我们仪器本身的优秀性能同时也源自我们向用户提供的及时,高质量的技术支持与服务。我们拥有一只由应用科学家和工程师组成的专业技术支持队伍, 向客户提供及时有力的帮助和支持。
Aurora 是化学分析仪器的领先制造商。产品广泛应用于环保,电子( RoHS ),矿产,石油化工,医药,商品检验,农业及食品安全等诸多传统及新兴应用领域,为元素分析提供了全面的解决方案。我们的产品线包括:
Aurora 的实验室自动化设备和专业服务极大的促进了生命科学和生物技术领域的蛋白组学,基因组学,新药开发和医疗诊断过程等研究的进程。具体的应用包括:
· 细胞学(离子通道筛选)/ 生物化学(酶学,ELISA,蛋白结晶) 分析
· DNA/ 蛋白质微阵列喷印,全自动 DNA 提取
·PCR 反应建立,DNA测序,DNA指纹图谱
我们为该工业领域提供被用户称为“目前市场上使用最方便 , 成本效率最高的”自动化 PCR 反应建立工作站。
Aurora 于 2004 年正式进入中国市场,成立欧罗拉科技有限公司,并于当年投资建设奥罗达国际商务科技园,广州科学城创业园也在筹划中,从而加强了在中国市场的发展基础 , 同时为广大中国用户提供高品质的,专业的售后服务和技术支持。
在这几年,我公司先后与中国有关科研部门以及国内多家生物科技企业联合进行研究开发工作,以应用及市场需求为导向,并获得行业专家的认可与支持。我们开发的Versa 系列自动液体处理工作站就是基于这个理念产生的,目前已经应用到生命科学研究,病毒诊断,农产品开发和检验等领域,为社会发展和人类健康做出新的贡献。