许多生产/加工活性药物成分(APIs)的公司会定期使用Bioquell RBDS 来消除药物批次之间的交叉污染风险,而BSL与ABSLs则将重置环境微生物水平作为标准操作流程的一部分。其它企业/机构会使用Bioquell RBDS来为新建筑物进行投入使用前的生物净化,或在后期进行定期维护,确保没有污染物影响正常的运营。Bioquell RBDS灵活且适应性强,可满足您的不同需求。
- 生物加工、生物制造与生产区域的净化
- 各级生物安全实验室的净化
- 洁净室与研究实验室的净化
- 新建筑物/新设施投入使用前的净化
- 设施停用期、项目结束与重启时的净化
- 补救需要
- 紧急响应
- 专用响应计划
- 单一设备净化需求(如BSC、冻干机等)
Bioquell is a well-established global leader in the design and manufacture of high performance bio-decontamination solutions for risk reduction within the healthcare, life science and pharmaceutical industries. Led by advances in our Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor technology, Bioquell is a world-leading supplier of biodecontamination systems and modular isolator offerings.
Bioquell became one of Ecolab's subsidiaries. Together, Bioquell and Ecolab, provide end-to-end contamination control solutions tailored to your needs to gain efficiencies and increase your process security. Our programmatic and consultative approach ensures a thorough review of potential areas for improvement, allowing for a more effective and targeted risk reduction strategy. Our offerings adhere to the most stringent compliance and regulatory standards.