由国际植物表型学会(IPPN)和瓦赫宁根大学共同主办的第7届国际植物表型大会(7th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium, IPPS 2022)将于2022年9月26-30日在荷兰瓦赫宁根举办,同期举办荷兰国家植物表型平台(NPEC)开幕典礼。
Plant Phenotyping for a Sustainable Future
IPPS 2022将植物生物学家、生态学家、工程师、农学家和计算机科学家等多学科专家汇集在一起,促进知识交流、协作和创新。IPPS 2022将作为一个平台,讨论和实现利用植物表型为可持续发展做出贡献。该会议汇集了来自世界各地的杰出演讲者,并为来自私营公司和其他合作伙伴提供了绝佳的交流机会。
1) Climate change & Photosynthesis
Phenotyping for climate change adaptation (heat, drought, salinity etc)
Abiotic stress phenotyping
Phenotyping for resource use efficiency (water use, nitrogen use, P-use etc)
Phenotyping for photosynthetic traits/efficiency (in- & ex-field)
2) Plant Development & Allocation
Carbon & nutrient dynamics & root phenotyping
Seed & plant organ development
3) Microbiome, ecology & biotic interactions
Phenotyping the soil microbiome / biostimulants
Phenotyping for biotic stresses, plant diseases and disease resistance
4) Modelling of physiological & ecological processes
Phenotyping supported modelling / process-based modelling (e.g. Digital Twins)
5) Food & Bio-economy
Phenotyping for future-proofing specific food crops (lab to field, breeding)
Phenotyping crops for non-food purposes (ornamentals, forests, feed, fibres)
Specialty crops & Horticulture
6) Sensors, Robotics & Automation (technology session)
Development of new sensor technology
Image based sensors & phenotyping
Non-image-based phenotyping
Advances in robotics & vectors/ sensor carriers
Affordable phenotyping approaches
7) Informatics, Data & Analytics
Advancements in data analyses for phenotyping: Statistical modelling & methods
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
FAIR data / metadata / databases / ontologies / standards / harmonization
IPPN还为青年学者设置了旅行资助基金(TRAVEL GRANT),将遴选6位杰出的青年学者,分别给与最多2000欧元的旅行资助。
Rene Klein-Lankhorst
Rick van de Zedde
Judith van Veen-Borsboom
Ulrich Schurr,IPPN主席,德国Julich研究中心
Jennifer Clarke,IPPN学术分会主席,内布拉斯加大学林肯分校
Vincent Jalink,IPPN工业分会主席,PhenoVation公司
Rick van de Zedde,IPPN学术分会副主席,瓦赫宁根大学
Philipp von Gillhaussen,IPPN运营经理
Prof. Fred van Eeuwijk
Prof. Leo Marcelis
Prof. Luisa Trindade
Prof. Christa Testerink
Prof. Paul Struik
Prof. Eldert van Henten
Prof. Corné Pieterse
Prof. George Kowalchuk
Prof. Mark Aarts
Prof. Gerlinde de Deyn
Dr. Jeremy Harbinson
Stefan Gerth, Fraunhofer (IIS), Germany
Robert Koller, Forschungszentrum Juelich (IBG-2), Germany
Mark Müller Linow, IBG-2, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
David Rousseau, University of Angers, France
Thomas Altmann, IPK Gatersleben, Germany
April Agee Carroll, Purdue Univ., USA
Maxime Bombrun, Scion, New Zealand
Lin Cao, Nanjing Forestry University, China
David Pont, Scion, New Zealand
Tony Pridmore, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Hanno Scharr, IBG-2, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Scott Chapman, CSIRO, Australia
Michelle Watt, University of Melbourne, Australia
Malcolm Bennett, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Kioumars Ghamkar, AGResearch, New Zealand
Heiner Kuhlmann, University Bonn, Germany
Gregoire Hummel, Phenospex b.v., Netherlands