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当前位置 > 首页 > 行业资讯 > 展会 > 第四届成都国际工业控制自动化及仪器仪表展览会


浏览次数:5460 发布日期:2006-3-30  来源:本站 本站原创,转载请注明出处
The 4nd Chengdu InternationalIndustrialControlautomation&Instrument Exhibition
展览时间:2006/8/17-19 展览地点:成都国际会议展览中心

紧贴中国西部发展趋势。Heeping pace with the market


往绩辉煌 奠定西部最具参展价值展会基础。REMARKABLE TRACK RECORD
展场面积Exhibition Area:20,000sqm平方米
观众数目Number of Visitors:23,000业内观众Trade visitors
参展商数目Number of Exhibitors:
Over500exhibitors ciming from 12countries/regions


成立专题网站,发布相关展览信息,提供市场信息以及各地企业技术改造资讯, 展会在 (/zdhz) 设有网上展厅,为各参展企业免费进行一年网上宣传、交易,使展会成为“永不落幕的展览会

◆布展时间/Time for preparation: 2006/8/15-16
◆展览洽谈/Business negotiations: 2006/8/17-19◆撤展时间Withdrawal Tim: 2006/8/19/下午:14:00
◆展出地点/Location:成都国际会议展览中心International Exhibition & Convention Center


1。工控机、数据采集系统,软硬件;可编程序控制器(PLC)、分布式控制系统(DCS),现场总线系统;过程自动控制系统、监控系统;低压电器;电气传动装置、动力传动设备;连接器、编码器、信号调节器;变频器、交/直流转换器、变送器、调速器;伺服系统,工业视觉系统;阀门、执行器、控制器及微型电机;记录仪、继电器、计时器及各类开关、电源、校准器;各类传感器、传感器敏感材料、辅助材料及其制造技术;智能监控系统 、自动安防系统 、信息管理系统 、自动化立体仓库、 家庭智能化、 建筑电器等;电源;电联接设备 、数控数显 、机电一体化产品; Industrial control machine, data collection system, software, hardware; programmable logic controller (PLC), distribution control system, field bus system; in-progress automatic control system, monitoring system, low-voltage electrical appliances; electrical transmission device, power transmission equipment, connector, encoder, signal adaptor, transducer, AC/DC converter, transmitter, speed regulator,; servo system, industrial visual system; valve, executor, controller and micro motor; recorder, relay, timer, switches, power supply, calibrator; sensors, sensor-sensitive materials, auxiliary materials and manufacturing technologies; intelligent monitoring system, auto safety system, information management system, automatic stereo warehouse, intelligent household, building electrical appliances, power supply, power connecting equipment, digital control and digital display, mechatronic products.
2. 各种仪表:流量仪表、;计量测试器具设备、性能试验设备;测试测量、科学分析仪器、电子检测仪
环保、质控、医疗、光学等仪器仪表衡器、计量标准器具及标准物质,其它各类计量测试相应产品仪表材料、元器件、集成模块、接插件;其它相关技术与装备。Meters: flow meters, measurement testing equipment, property testing equipment, testing, measuring and assay apparatus, electronic testing instrument, instrument and meter for environmental protection, quality control, medical, optical, etc,, standard measuring instruments and standard substances; other materials, elements, integratedmodules,connectorsformeasuringandtestingcorresponding products and meters; other related technologies and equipment

参展事项 Particulars:

1、展位租用服务: (标准展位: 提供三面围板、楣板制作、桌子一张、折椅两把、射灯两只、插座一个)
Booth lease service: (standard booth: three-plane boarding, fabrication of fascia, one table, two folding chairs, two spotlights and one socket)
标准展位Standard booth(3mX3m/个/Nr) 国内企业5500元人民币/个 境外企业Foreignenterprise1000美元USD/个/Nr
特展位Special booth(3mX3m/个/Nr) 国内企业6000元人民币/个 境外企业Foreign enterprise 1100美元USD/个/Nr
光地Raw space,(无配置,最少36平米)no configuration, at least 36m2 国内企业600元人民/M2 境外企业Foreign enterprise 160美元USD/M2
会刊(210×142㎜): (会刊用于宣传企业产品及企业形象,供经销代理商、采购商及专业人士收藏)
Proceedings: (the proceedings will be kept by the commercial agents, purchasers and professionals for promotion of products and images of exhibitors
会刊广告 费用(人民币) 会刊广告 费用 RMB
封底Back cove r 12000元 彩插一 Insert,one,colour page 6000元
封二Inside,fron,cover 10000元 彩色插页nsert the colour into the page 4000元
封三Inside,back,cove 8000元 黑白插页 Insert the black and white into the page 2000元


Free services for exhibitors:
1、Print the written brief introduction in the publication for the exhibitors.
2、During the exhibition, guarantee the safety of exhibits, security work and clean of exhibition place.
3、Guarantee the lighting in the exhibition center.
4、Give the exhibitors an association publication
5、The Organizing Committee will provide exhibitors with a meeting room for business negotiations;
6、The Organizing Committee will present a free DVD to each exhibitor (the DVD covers sketch of the fair site and information of exhibitors);
7、Information of exhibitors will be incorporated into the Fair Preview free of charges:
8、The Organizing Committee will provide exhibitors with free admission tickets for invitation of their clients;
9、Brief introduction of exhibitors will be incorporated into the Proceedings of Fair, which will be issued to the visitors during the fair and mailed to authoritative organizations and institutions of the trade and new purchasers after the fair;
10、The Organizing Committee will assist the exhibitors with organization of professionals, dealers, agents and users to the fair.

Provide other optional service forexhibitors
1、Provide special design and decoration of exhibition position for the exhibitors.
2、Help the transport and declaration of exhibits on exhibitors’ behalf.
3、rrange the food, lodging and make tickets reservation for the exhibitors
4、rovide the service of information office, conference room, typewriting and duplication, etc..
5、Provide the places of the technical lectures: 3000Yuan RMB/one (2 hours, 80-100 persons)
6、Cost of conference service: 500Yuan RMB/one person, including the cost for the material of conference, credentials of exhibition, subsidy of board and lodging, drinks, lunch during the exhibition, etc
7、Provide power supply, compressed gas or water
8、Rent the air compressor for the exhibitors, /one set

Application and registration method.
4、请参展单位于七日之内须将参展费用的30%作为订金汇入组委会指定帐户.(帐户请参见《参展回执表》); 余款在2006年6月15日(截止时间)前一次付清;
5、 展位安排以“先报名、先交款、先安排”为原则,为保证展览会整体形象,主办单位保留与参展单位协商并最终调整展台位置的权利。
6、参展单位代表住宿及展品运输,组委会将另行发给 《参展商服务指南》手册。
1、Please fill out a contract form for the exhibition, and deliver the remittance proof of exhibition cost to organizing comitmtee
2、The organizing committee will show the formal confirmation of exhibition.
3、The exhibitors must obey the arrangements of exhibition position of the organizing committee.
4、30% of the cost for exhibit space shall be remitted into the account specified as subscription by the Organizing Committee within 7 days (For the account details, see Return Receipt) and the residue shall be paid off before June 15, 2005 (deadline).
5、 Booth allocation will be handled on the basis of first-application, first-payment and first-served. The sponsor reserves the right to negotiate with the exhibitors about booth adjustment and make the final decision to ensure integral image of the fair.
6、For accommodation of representatives of exhibitors and exhibit transportation, a Service Guide for Exhibitors will be offered by the Organizing Committee.
注: 签妥协议后,如未按要求支付订金及余款,主办单位将不保障所确认之展台位置;
Notes: In case any exhibitor fails to pay the subscription and residue in accordance with the requirements herein after signing the agreement, the sponsor will not hold the selected booth for the exhibitor.

通信方式Communication mode:
Chengdu Hope Exhibition Co., Ltd.
群益大厦601室 邮编:610041
联系人/Contact person:刘 东
手机/Mobile :13183865317

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