374 次基于非叶片光合作用的大豆增产及冠层碳增益的研究 2025-1-17
研究进展:2023年发表在Plant Physiology上的一篇名为‘Impact of pod and seed photosynthesis on seed filling and canopy carbon gain in soybean’的文章引起了人们对豆荚等非叶绿
500 次机械超负荷下调核糖体蛋白通过信号促进软骨细胞衰老和骨关节炎进展 2024-10-10
RPL35 downregulated by mechanical overloading promotes chondrocyte senescence and osteoarthritis development via Hedgehog-Gli1 signalingKeywords: Chondrocyte; Hedgehog pathway; Ost
523 次软骨细胞生化介质与机械应力影响原发性膝骨关节炎差异反应 2024-10-10
The interplay between biochemical mediators and mechanotransduction in chondrocytes: Unravelling the differential responses in primary knee osteoarthritisKeywords: Biochemical medi