820 次Specim IQ 高光谱成像技术揭示高原蜥蜴色彩适应性奥秘 2024-6-24
在生命科学的探索旅程中,我们时常被自然界中生物的精细适应性所折服。中国科学院动物研究所研究人员在Molecular Biology and Evolution上发表了题为《Genetically encoded lizard color div
748 次流体剪切应力诱导的内皮表型转化对脑缺血再灌注损伤和修复的影响 2024-6-19
Fluid shear stress induced-endothelial phenotypic transition contributes to cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury and repairTopics:Cytoskeleton, Endothelium, Cell biology, Cytoplas
730 次激光荧光植物应用谱图研究 2024-6-14
Fluorescence Scheimpflug LiDAR developed for the three-dimension profiling of plantsHONGZE LIN,1 YAO ZHANG,1 AND LIANG MEI2,*1School of Automation, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hang