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 地址 成都市武侯区人民南路四段9号 中科院成都分院   
 电话/手机 028-85568133  17780519507
 在线咨询 1124679988
 邮箱 marketing@zenmindes.com
 官网 http://www.zenmindes.com
 总访问 10500
 半年访问 53
 产品 正民德思生物科技有限公司共有83条产品信息
 服务 正民德思生物科技有限公司共有0条服务信息
目前,成都正民德思生物科技有限公司作为德国蛋白纯化产品生产商Cube Biotech中国独家总代理、西班牙生物磁性分离设备制造商SEPMAG中国独家总代理、西班牙工业级大规模蛋白纯化填料制造商ABT中国独家总代理、德国色谱制造商Applicrom中国独家总代理、西班牙免疫诊断试剂研发服务商Pragmatic Diagnostics中国独家战略合作方,在成都成立中国总部办事处,全权负责上述合作伙伴在中国地区的营销事务、销售及售后服务等所有工作。

Chengdu Zenmindes Biotech Co., Ltd. aims to be the link between China and the world in the biotechnology industry. Zenmindes aspires to introduce European high-tech, high-quality, and high-efficiency products into China and strives to achieve mutual benefit with each side.
Zenmindes also participates in cooperation services for international life science projects. Presently, Zenmindes is an enthusiastic supplier of products related to Biopharmaceutical and In Vitro Diagnosis. By emphasizing the contractual responsibilities to partners, customers, and the society as a whole, Zenmindes has obtained extensive cooperation experience with numerous world-leading life science companies, as well as research and educational institutions, has been highly recognised by cooperative partners in their long-term stable strategic cooperation relations that have been long-term established.

Upholding innovative philosophies in international business operations, Zenmindes has developed a highly-qualified team to boost its solid development strategies. In the meantime, it has progressively brought its brand, market, team, technologies, and management into line with international standards, committing to becoming a bridge linking global high-end biotech products with the bioscience market in China.

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