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Bioquell Technology (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd
 地址 深圳市南山区创盛路1号康和盛大楼四楼416   518055
 电话/手机 0755-86310348/ 0755-86352622  18516405364
 在线咨询 3116076439
 邮箱 barbara.du@ecolab.com
 官网 http://www.bioquell.com
 联系人 杜小姐/丁先生
 总访问 25078
 半年访问 209
 产品 倍尔科科技(深圳)有限公司共有13条产品信息
 服务 倍尔科科技(深圳)有限公司共有2条服务信息

Bioquell is a well-established global leader in the design and manufacture of high performance bio-decontamination solutions for risk reduction within the healthcare, life science and pharmaceutical industries. Led by advances in our Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor technology, Bioquell is a world-leading supplier of biodecontamination systems and modular isolator offerings. 
Bioquell became one of Ecolab's subsidiaries. Together, Bioquell and Ecolab, provide end-to-end contamination control solutions tailored to your needs to gain efficiencies and increase your process security. Our programmatic and consultative approach ensures a thorough review of potential areas for improvement, allowing for a more effective and targeted risk reduction strategy. Our offerings adhere to the most stringent compliance and regulatory standards.

经本公司销售的设备,从装机验证之日起可享有 12个月的质保期,在此期间设备在正常使用的情况下,因制造工艺不良或不合格零部件引起的故障,可免费享有免费维修服务及备件更换。
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