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当前位置 > 厂商名录 > Liconic中国办事处


最后更新:2019-4-3 15:20:00
 地址 浦东新区周祝公路268弄   
 电话/手机 18621560603 
 邮箱 yag@liconic.com
 官网 www.liconic.com
 总访问 3844
 半年访问 37
 产品 Liconic中国办事处共有21条产品信息
 服务 Liconic中国办事处共有0条服务信息
LiCONiC is a world-wide operating company specializing in developing and manufacturing high-tech products and solutions involving techniques of various physical disciplines. LiCONiC is a privately held company.

We are extremely flexible and open for new solutions. LiCONiC is well known for fast implementation of new solutions for complex applications in the environmental storage marketplace.
LiCONiC is driven by its position as the world''s leading manufacturer of automated incubators and small size plate storage systems for the life science industry. By investing in research and development LiCONiC creates products and services that address the growing complexity of today''s laboratory automation.

We invest in research and development to create products and services that provide competitive differentiation for our customers and for developers adopting our technology. We integrate software, storage, services and systems and we believe volume drives value. We share technology in order to grow our communities, increase participation and build new markets.

LiCONiC was founded in 1990 as a privately held business. Since then LiCONiC has grown to a world-wide operating company and has become the pacemaker of technology in automated storage systems for laboratory automation. By innovation and by partnering with the market''s leading integrators we ensure long-term value and choice for our customers.

LiCONiC''s instruments are used worldwide in industries including technical/scientific, business, engineering, manufacturing, government, life sciences and healthcare. Performance, Quality, and Service are the fundament of the trust that customers have in our company and in our products. Long-term relations are not empty phrases at LiCONiC, but the result from continuous and intensive collaboration at all levels.

We seek to make our mark by means of amicable and cooperative relations and not at the expense of others. We regard successes as occasions to celebrate, and failures as occasions to learn.

By keeping organization lean, we are not afraid of new challenges or changes; on the contrary, we encounter them as part of our business. However, we do regard necessary standards and rules as boundaries within entrepreneurial freedom were they are able to develop.
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