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Emcrafts 北京代表处
 地址 海淀区皂君庙路5号卉园大楼312室   100081
 电话/手机 010-82381373  18513953294
 邮箱 market@sem-instrument.com
 联系人 张先生
 总访问 3439
 半年访问 25
 产品 北京驰奔仪器有限公司共有0条产品信息
 服务 北京驰奔仪器有限公司共有1条服务信息

       Emcrafts系列钨灯丝扫描电子显微镜,涵盖桌面台式微型扫描电镜、小型立式扫描电镜、中型立式扫描电镜和大样品仓扫描电镜, 可满足不同应用领域对电镜结构的特殊需要,允许专业操作人员精细观测分析,也适合一般非专业人员常规测试使用。

       Emcrafts Co.,Ltd is a specialized manufacturer for Electron Microscope. We offer Professional level Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM) to the market.
       Our technical team is composed of many experienced engineers with the core of Doctor who has been engaged in electron microscope researching and developing for many years. We have developed excellent electron microscope products to meet the growing needs of users with the spirit of craftsmanship. 
       Emcrafts series tungsten filament SEM, covering the desktop SEM, small-sized/medium-sized/large-sized traditional SEM, these can meet the special needs of different application fields. Our SEM is suit for professional operator , also suitable for non-professional people routine test.

       We have comprehensive knowledge and know-how to scanning electron microscopy . We focus on user experience,pursue the best interests of customers.

       Our mission is to continuously improve the quality of our electron microscopy products and services,to facilitate SEM application level in China sequentially.


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