Mouse Collagenase I ELISA Kit使用说明书
Mouse Collagenase I ELISA Kit使用原理
Mouse Collagenase I ELISA Kit使用原理The kit was a solid phase sandwichenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the AVP concentrations ofthe standard samples and unknown concentrations of samples were detectedby the addition of microporous enzyme plates.. At the same time, the AVPand the biotin labeled antibodies were incubated at the same time..After washing, the addition of Pro labeled HRP. After the warming andwashing, the removal of the non binding enzyme conjugate, and then addedto the substrate a, B, and the enzyme conjugate at the same time.Produce color. The color depth and the concentration of AVP in thesample was proportional to the concentration of the sample..
Operation notes
1 reagent should be stored in the label manual, before using to roomtemperature. The standard after dilute dilute should be discarded, donot save.
2 the experimental plate should be immediately put back in the bag,seal the preservation, lest metamorphism.
3 no other reagents should be packaged or well. Do not mix differentbatches of reagents. Use before the shelf.
4 use a disposable suction head lest cross contamination, draw thetermination liquid and substrate B, a liquid, to avoid using the metalpart of the sample.
5 use clean plastic containers to configure the washing liquid. Allsamples of ingredients and mix well before use in the kit.
6 wash the enzyme plate should be fully dry, do not absorb water paperdirectly into the enzyme labeled pores in the water absorption.
7 substrate a should be volatile, to avoid prolonged open lid.Substrate B is sensitive to light, avoiding prolonged exposure to light.To avoid contact with hand, toxic. After the experiment, read the ODvalue immediately..
8 add reagents should be consistent in order, to ensure that allreaction plate hole incubation time.
9 to carry out the temperature fertility operation according to thetime, the amount and the order of the liquid added in the instruction manual.
Kit performance:
1 the correlation coefficient r value of linear regression and theexpected concentration of sample was 0.92 above.
The 2 batch and the batch should be less than 9% and 15% respectively.
Detection range:
1.5 -90 g/ml g/ml
Save condition and its validity:
1 reagent kit preservation: 2-8.
2 validity: 6 months