2018年7月,华中农大园艺林学学院别之龙教授团队关于不同遗传背景南瓜材料耐盐性策略差异的研究成果在Journal of Experimental Botany上发表题为An early ABA-induced stomatal closure, Na+ sequestration in leaf vein and K+ retention in mesophyll confer salt tissue tolerance in Cucurbita species的研究成果。牛蒙亮、陈晨、谢俊俊为本文共同第一作者,别之龙、黄远为并列通讯作者。
葫芦科中南瓜具有较强的耐盐性,在瓜类嫁接中广泛用作黄瓜、西瓜等盐敏感材料的砧木,具有较强的限制Na+等盐害离子向地上部运转的能力,其中生产中的南瓜砧木多为中印南瓜杂合体(Cucurbita maxima × Cucurbita moschata)材料。
前期研究发现,中国南瓜(Cucurbita moschata)和印度南瓜(Cucurbita maxima)二者具有显著差异的Na+积累模式与耐盐能力(A shoot based Na+ tolerance mechanism observed in pumpkin—An important consideration for screening salt tolerant rootstocks. 2017, Scientia Horticulturae, 218:38-47.),某些特殊的南瓜材料在维持叶片中高Na+含量的同时依然具有极强的耐盐能力,这引起了研究者对这些材料耐盐策略的兴趣,其Na+转运过程具有哪些不同寻常之处?
100 mM NaCl实时刺激下,叶肉细胞、叶脉、根系的K+流变化。负值表示外排,正值表示吸收。
An early ABA-induced stomatal closure, Na+ sequestration in leaf vein and K+ retention in mesophyll confer salt tissue tolerance in Cucurbita species. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2018, 69(20):4945-4960.
Root respiratory burst oxidase homologue-dependent H2O2 production confers salt tolerance on a grafted cucumber by controlling Na+ exclusion and stomatal closure. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2018, 69(14):3465-3476.
Scanning ion-selective electrode technique and X-ray microanalysis provide direct evidence of contrasting Na+ transport ability from root to shoot in salt-sensitive cucumber and salt-tolerant pumpkin under NaCl stress. Physiologia Plantarum. 2014, 152(4):738-48.