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浏览次数:93 发布日期:2025-2-20  来源:本站 仅供参考,谢绝转载,否则责任自负


Alport综合征是一种临床表现以血尿、蛋白尿、进行性肾功能减退为特征,部分患者合并感音神经性耳聋、眼部病变等肾外表现的综合征,所以又称眼-耳-肾综合征。由于缺乏大样本流行病学数据,目前该疾病的国内发病率尚不清楚。据美国报告,Alport 综合征的基因频率为 1/10 000~1/5000。男性和女性的发病率及病情轻重与突变基因类型有关。X 连锁遗传者男女均可发病,但男性发病率高于女性,且病情较女性重。

该病是由编码Ⅳ型胶原α3、α4、α5链的COL4A3、COL4A4和COL4A5基因突变导致。α3、α4、α5链形成三螺旋结构,与其他三螺旋紧密结合形成肾小球基底膜(GBM)。COL4A5 基因具有一个致病性突变或COL4A3 或者COL4A4基因具有两个致病性突变,会导致高度有序的GBM逐渐分解,这种变化加速了肾小球硬化,进而导致肾功能不全。

图1 A. 正常Ⅳ型胶原三螺旋结构;B. COL4A5无义突变的胶原三螺旋结构[1]

图2 A正常GBM;B-D为Alport综合征患者GBM(轻-重症)[1]







图3. 野生型和突变型(R471X)雄性小鼠肾小球基底膜。[3]


图4. 反义寡核苷酸(ASO)疗法挽救 XLAS 动物免于发生 ESRD 示意图。[4]



Fig.1 Col4a5 mRNA level was measured in Col4a5-R471X male mice and the point mutation of Col4a5 has been verified by sequencing (n=3, male, 7 weeks old).

Abbr. HO, homozygous;  WT, wild type.


Fig.2 The results of urine (A) and blood (B) biochemical indicators in Col4a5-R471X mice (n=2 male and 6 female).

Fig.3 The results of urine (A) and plasma (B) biochemical indicators in 21-weeks-old Col4a5-R471X mice (n=3/group). (Data from a cooperator)

Fig.4 Marked glomerular changes are recognized in all (8/8) R471X mice of 23 weeks of age. The renal cortex shows uniform glomerular distribution, with mesangial matrix proliferation and mild sclerosis (yellow arrow). Renal tubular changes include epithelial edema (blue arrow), atrophy (orange arrow), dilation (green arrow), and necrosis (black arrow). Connective tissue proliferation (light green arrow), lymphocyte infiltration (purple arrow), and occasional protein casts (gray arrow) are noted. Such lesions are entirely absent in controls of same age. Scale bar=100 μm; magnification, 200×.

Fig.5 Effects of Ramipril (10mg/kg) on urine (A) and blood (B) biochemical indicators of Col4a5-R471X mice over a 16-17 weeks treatment period (6 weeks of age at initiation time, n=4-5 male and 4-5 female in each group).

Fig.6 Effects of Ramipril (10mg/kg) on urine (A) and plasma (B) biochemical indicators of male and female Col4a5-R471X mice over a 16-17 weeks treatment period respectively (6 weeks of age at initiation time, n=4-5 male and 4-5 female in each group).

Fig.7 Body weight (A) and serum mCystain C (B) of Col4a5-R471X mice over a 17 weeks treatment period (6 weeks of age at initiation time, n=4-5 male and 4-5 female in each group).

Fig.8 Histopathology changes of Col4a5-R471X mice over a 17 weeks treatment period (6 weeks of age at initiation time, n=4-5 male and 4-5 female in each group). Data are presented as mean and ± SEM


[1]Nozu K, Takaoka Y, Kai H, et al. Genetic background, recent advances in molecular biology, and development of novel therapy in Alport syndrome. Kidney Res Clin Pract. 2020;39(4):402-413. doi:10.23876/j.krcp.20.111
[3]Hashikami K, Asahina M, Nozu K, Iijima K, Nagata M, Takeyama M. Establishment of X-linked Alport syndrome model mice with a Col4a5 R471X mutation. Biochem Biophys Rep. 2018;17:81-86. Published 2018 Dec 12. doi:10.1016/j.bbrep.2018.12.003
[4]Yamamura, T., Horinouchi, T., Adachi, T. et al. Development of an exon skipping therapy for X-linked Alport syndrome with truncating variants in COL4A5. Nat Commun 11, 2777 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16605-x
[5]Peter. Mann 等.大鼠和小鼠病理变化术语及诊断标准的国际规范(INHAND)[M].杨利峰,周向梅,赵德明主译.北京:中国农业出版社,2019.

上海南方模式生物科技股份有限公司(Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.,简称"南模生物"),成立于2000年9月,是一家上交所科创板上市高科技生物公司(股票代码:688265),始终以编辑基因、解码生命为己任,专注于模式生物领域,打造了以基因修饰动物模型研发为核心,涵盖多物种模型构建、饲养繁育、表型分析、药物临床前评价等多个技术平台,致力于为全球高校、科研院所、制药企业等客户提供全方位、一体化的基因修饰动物模型产品解决方案。


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