Fig1. Novel insights and additions to AD pathogenesis[1].
02 特应性皮炎的症状和特点
★ 皮肤干燥、瘙痒;
★ 红斑、肿胀;
★ 出现丘疹或水疱;
★ 严重时可伴有渗出和结痂;
★ 反复发作,病程较长。
03 特应性皮炎的治疗
Fig2. Prevention and treatment of AD[2].
04 特应性皮炎小鼠模型的起源
Fig3. Examples of AD mouse models[3].
05 特应性皮炎小鼠模型的特点
★ 与人相似,具有红斑、瘙痒、干燥等症状;
★ 遗传背景清晰,实验结果可靠稳定;
★ 易于操作和观察;
★ 有利于降低研发过程中的成本与难度。
06 特应性皮炎小鼠模型的应用
★ 帮助揭示特应性皮炎的发病机制和免疫途径;
★ 用于测试和评估新的治疗方法和药物;
★ 研究环境因素对特应性皮炎的影响;
★ 为寻找预防策略提供重要线索。
南模生物自主研发了OXA(Oxazolone)诱导的特应性皮炎(Atopic Dermatitis, AD)动物模型。该模型选择通常选择BALB/c小鼠或C57BL/6小鼠,将OXA溶液涂抹在小鼠耳朵或背部皮肤上,连续数天,以致敏动物,此后重复涂抹OXA溶液以激发动物皮肤炎症反应。
OXA induced increasing of ear thickness and clinical score (erythema, skin thickness and scabby) while Dex can relieve these symptoms. (A) ear thickness (B) clinical score of skin (C) gross observation on Day 21
OXA motivated immune system. (A) spleen weight (B) spleen photo (C) serum IgE (D) Mice ear HE pathology
Mice pathology score. (A) inflammatory cell infiltration (B) dermis thickness
OXA induced increasing of ear thickness and clinical score (erythema, skin thickness and scabby) while Dex can relieve these symptoms. (A) ear thickness (B) clinical score of skin (C) gross observation on Day 21
OXA motivated immune system. (A) spleen weight (B) spleen photo (C) serum IgE (D) Mice ear HE pathology. Black arrow: Inflammatory cell infiltration
Blue arrow: Thickening of the dermis
Mice pathology score. (A) inflammatory cell infiltration (B) dermis thickness
1. Schuler CF 4th, et al. Novel insights into atopic dermatitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2023 May;151(5):1145-1154.
2. Kim D, Kobayashi T, Nagao K. Research Techniques Made Simple: Mouse Models of Atopic Dermatitis. J Invest Dermatol. 2019 May;139(5):984-990.e1.
3. Kim J, Kim BE, Leung DYM. Pathophysiology of atopic dermatitis: Clinical implications. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2019 Mar 1;40(2):84-92.
4. Weidinger, S., & Novak, N. (2016). "Atopic dermatitis." The Lancet, 387(10023), 1109-1122.
5. Boguniewicz, M., & Leung, D. Y. M. (2011). "Atopic dermatitis: a disease of altered skin barrier and immune dysregulation." Immunological Reviews, 242(1), 233-246.
6. Man, M. Q., Hatano, Y., & Elias, P. M. (2008). "Characterization of a hapten-induced murine model of atopic dermatitis showing a shift from acute to chronic dermatitis." Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 128(3), 381-389.
7. Kobayashi, T., & Amagai, M. (2020). "Epidermal barrier dysfunction and its role in atopic dermatitis." Experimental Dermatology, 29(3), 172-181.
上海南方模式生物科技股份有限公司(Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.,简称"南模生物"),成立于2000年9月,是一家上交所科创板上市高科技生物公司(股票代码:688265),始终以编辑基因、解码生命为己任,专注于模式生物领域,打造了以基因修饰动物模型研发为核心,涵盖多物种模型构建、饲养繁育、表型分析、药物临床前评价等多个技术平台,致力于为全球高校、科研院所、制药企业等客户提供全方位、一体化的基因修饰动物模型产品解决方案。