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浏览次数:2299 发布日期:2010-7-19  来源:本站 仅供参考,谢绝转载,否则责任自负




为了验证以上推测,英国的研究人员Vadim Demidchik等以拟南芥根部细胞原生质体为材料,利用发光法、电生理研究方法以及非损伤微测技术(MIFE)分别测定了羟自由基(OH·)等不同诱导处理下,拟南芥根部细胞胞外钾离子浓度([K+]out)、胞内钙离子浓度([Ca2+]in)、整体细胞电流以及K+、Ca2+流速等信息。


关键词:钙(Calcium)、通道(Channel)、氧自由基(Free oxygen radical)、钾(Potassium)
参考文献:Demidchik et al. J. Cell Sci. 2003: 116: 81-88.


Free oxygen radicals are an irrefutable component of life, underlying important biochemical and physiological phenomena in animals. Here it is shown that free oxygen radicals activate plasma membrane Ca2+- and K+-permeable conductances in Arabidopsis root cell protoplasts, mediating Ca2+ influx and K+ efflux, respectively. Free oxygen radicals generate increases in cytosolic Ca2+ mediated by a novel population of nonselective cation channels that differ in selectivity and pharmacology from those involved in toxic Na+ influx. Analysis of the free oxygen radical-activated K+ conductance showed its similarity to the Arabidopsis root K+ outward rectifier. Significantly larger channel activation was found in cells responsible for perceiving environmental signals and undergoing elongation. Quenching root free oxygen radicals inhibited root elongation, confirming the role of radical-activated Ca2+ influx in cell growth. Net free oxygen radical-stimulated Ca2+ influx and K+ efflux were observed in root cells of monocots, dicots, C3 and C4 plants, suggesting conserved mechanisms and functions. In conclusion, two functions for free oxygen radical cation channel activation are proposed: initialization/amplification of stress signals and control of cell elongation in root growth.


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