Advanced Features for Ultramicrotomy
Section counter, Feed totalizer
Section counting and feed totals are useful to those doing 3D reconstruction or calculating cell thicknesses or distance into cell structures.
10um Automatic Sectioning Thickness
If your work involves thick plastic sections for LM, Confocal, FTIR then 10um automatic section thickness is very important. The operator can do multiples of 10um thickness with a touch of a button as well.
RS232 port
The RS232 port is available for those who want to address data logging or computer interfacing.
Seeing is Believing
样品制备:石蜡切片、冰冻切片、 超薄切片以及相关制样设备
样品观察:品牌显微镜 、品牌CCD 、 sCMOS相机 、EMCCD 、 小动物成像
图像处理:显微镜系统整合改造 、多维度图像工作站 、多光谱全景组织成像工作站 、 全玻片扫描及分析工作站
系统:激光共聚焦 、双光子生理显微镜 、转盘式共聚焦 、 超高分辨率显微镜(SIM/STED/STORM) 、Lightsheet光片显微镜 、高内涵显微系统、激光显微切割系统