BTX Microslides are used primarily with the ECM® 2001 Electro Cell Manipulator. The Microslide fits on the microscope allowing observation of the alignment and fusion process. The Microslide 450 is composed of a glass microslide and two strips of 0.5 mm stainless steel tubing which functions as electrodes to provide a divergent field. These wires are set apart at different gaps to provide various field strengths and volumes. The Micrograbber is used to connect the Microslide 450 to the Coaxial Connection Cable, which will then be hooked up to the ECM 2001 generator. Microslide 453 has two stainless steel square bars that are set apart at various gaps to provide homogeneous fields. The Square Post Cable is used to connect the Microslide to the Coaxial Connection Cable, which will be hooked up to the ECM 2001 generator.
The Microslides have been used for embryo manipulation1 and cell or protoplast fusion2. Advantage of the Microslide is that the process of dimer formation can be observed under the microscope.
Technical Specifications
Standard Capabilities *Depending on buffer composition and generator capability
Voltage Range: 0 - 500 Vdc
Pulse Length/Time Constants Range: 1 µsec - 99 msec
Pulse Number Range: 1-99 (depending on voltage)
Operating Temperature: 5° - 40® C
Intended Use: Indoor Use
Relative Humidity: 20-80%
Maximum Altitude: 2000m (6562 ft)
Pollution Degree: II
Insulation Category: CAT I
Physical Characteristics 450 450-1 453 453-10
Gap Size: 0.5 m 1.0 mm 3.2 mm 10 mm
Volume: 20 µl 40 µl 0.7 ml 2.2 ml
Autoclavable: No No No No
Generators ECM 630, 830, 395, 399, 2001, 600, & T820.
Ordering Information
Model Description Part Number
450 Microslide 20 µl - package of 10, 0.5mm gap 01-000209-01
450-1 Microslide 40 µl - package of 10, 1.0mm gap 01-000210-01
453 Microslide 3.2 mm gap - package of 1 01-000211-01
453-10 Microslide 10 mm gap - package of 1 01-000212-01
5343 Coaxial Banana Plug Connection Cable, 10 ft 06-700042-01
465 Square Post Cables 06-700044-01
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