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Microscopy-PAM 全世界第一台可以测量单细胞光合作用的荧光仪
以通用控制单元PAM-Control为主机,连接显微镜,结合荧光配件,可以测量单个细胞或数个细胞的光合作用。 研究对象可以为浮游植物或叶绿体 研究自然水样中的浮游植物生理活性时,一般步骤是:首先分离纯化(多为显微镜下用毛细管挑藻),获得纯种细胞后扩大培养,然后研究其生理活性。这个过程至少需要2-3个月。而且有些在自然条件下经常发生水化/赤潮的微藻,分离后总是无法成功养活(特别是海洋甲藻)。 现在,只需取水样回来,在显微镜视野中找出您感兴趣的1个或几个细胞,就可检测它(们)的光合作用活性,省去了分离培养的步骤,大大节省了时间。对许多至今仍无法分离培养成功的藻类,也可研究其生理活性。 |
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1.Bulychev, A. A. and A. V. Komarova (2017). "Photoregulation of photosystem II activity mediated by cytoplasmic streaming in Chara and its relation to pH bands." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics.
2.Higo, S., et al. (2017). "Application of a pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM) fluorometer reveals its usefulness and robustness in the prediction of Karenia mikimotoi blooms: A case study in Sasebo Bay, Nagasaki, Japan." Harmful Algae 61: 63-70.
3.Komarova, A. V., et al. (2017). "Cyclosis-mediated long distance communications of chloroplasts in giant cells of Characeae." Functional Plant Biology.
4.Park, J., et al. (2017). "Implications of rising temperatures for gametophyte performance of two kelp species from Arctic waters." Botanica Marina.
5.Bulychev, A. and A. Komarova (2016). "Influence of light on the apoplastic ph in microwounded cells of Chara corallina." Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 63(1): 46-53.
6.Hansen, P., et al. (2016). "Photoregulation in a Kleptochloroplastidic Dinoflagellate, Dinophysis acuta." Journal: Frontiers in Microbiology 7: 785.
7.Percey, W. J., et al. (2016). "Salinity effects on chloroplast PSII performance in glycophytes and halophytes< a class=." Functional Plant Biology 43(11): 1003-1015.
8.Yoon, Y., et al. (2016). "Visualization of prostatic nerves by polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography." Biomedical Optics Express 7(9): 3170-3183.
9.3Bulychev, A. A. and A. V. Komarova (2015). "Photoinduction of cyclosis-mediated interactions between distant chloroplasts." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1847(4): 379-389.
10.Gollasch, S., et al. (2015). "Quantifying indicatively living phytoplankton cells in ballast water samples—recommendations for Port State Control." Marine pollution bulletin.