泰维科技坐落于武汉城市圈孝感开发区内,是国家级高新区--孝感高新技术产业开发区内重点离新企业,也是一家专业生产高端 病理仪器成套设备的行业龙头企业。公司拥有三千平米一流的医疗电子及病理仪器研发中心,和占地两万平米.配套设施齐全.享有 “花园式工厂”美誉的现代化生产加工基地--“泰维科技工业园”。
公司始终坚持“以质呈求生存,靠创新求发展”,不断强化内部管理,狠抓产品质呈,在引进国际先进的精益化制造管理经验基础上,严格按照《产品质呈法》和《医疗器械监督管理条例》等法规及丨S09001: 2000和IS09001: 13485国际质呈管理体系的要求,建设了具有 泰维特色的适应医疗器械高标准要求的质呈保障体系。泰维每一款产品均在泰维生产基地良好和受控的环境下,经百道精密工序,通过了最 为严格的技术和品质把关。在病理仪器领域,一百多项专有技术为泰维独家掌握,其中+三项已被国家授权专利保护,拥有全行业最领先 的核心技术。先后被各级部门授予“湖北省地产最畅销商品”.湖北省“重合同守信用企业”.“质呈管理先进单位”、“湖北省优 秀企业”、“AA级资信等级单位”等光荣称号 2009年度,更获中央刺激经济4万亿投资方案中、国家发改委和工信部工业中小企业技 术改造项目中央财政资金支持。
目前,公司同全国一流的病理专家进行了广泛和卓有成效的合作,数十家国内外知名医疗器械专业经销商和合作单位,以及近百名遍及 全国的医疗器械业务代表在经销和服务我们的产品,有三十多个省市区的五千多家大中型医疗机构选择和使用了我们的产品。从2001年起, 泰维连续以较大阵容参加了三十余届医疗器械专业国际会展,并在全国范围内赞助了一百多次不同等级的病理学术交流会,积累了长期的市 场信誉。泰维产品多次在援外项目中中标,代表当今中国病理仪器领先制造技术远涉国际市场。泰维还积极发展了公共传媒,信息网络和专 业技术交流平台,以便在全国任何地方都能很方便地得到泰维的产品、资讯和服务。经过不懈的努力和创新发展,泰维科技已成为病理仪器 制造行业中:唯一能提供全科产品且能全部直接替代进口仪器的;技术卓越、品种齐全、服务供应能力最强的中国病理仪器一流制造企业。
历经十年,厚积薄发。已成为全球知名病理仪器制造商的泰维,拥有国内普通企业无可比拟的规模优势、技术优势和品牌优势。为做大 做强民族科技产业,泰维科技稳步迈向集团化发展道路,已形成以医疗仪器为核心,涉足精工机械、生物技术、电子、外贸多领域髙科技产 业集群,初步具备国际化科技集团发展态势。强势品牌,优势产品;拥抱科技,拥有未来!
一一想到就有可能 明天就在您身边!
Hubei Taiva Medical Technologies Co.,Ltd is situated on Xiaogan high-tech industrial Development zone also belong to the National New-high Technology Industrial Development Zone and "Wuhan Urban Agglomeration" .with the topest in productivity .It's the firm which have 3000 square the Medical Technical Researching and Developing Center ,meanwhile,a part of the frist class medical electronics and pathology instrument with 20000 square area in china.lt is the largest Medical equipement factory which have the
Modern Producing & Processing Base with an area .Furthermore,it's has been named of " Garden-like factory----Taiva Medical Technologies industrial Park.
Taiva insists on the concept of “quality for survival , creation for development” , strengthens internal management continuously , holds products quality firmly , establishes high quality guarantee system in conformity to medical apparatus with characters of Taiva strictly according to regulations and requirements of Law of Products Quality Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices and IS09001 :2000 international quality standards, so as to introduce the “TAIVA” brand pathology serial products quickly to the domestic and international market and become one of the top famous brands covering exclusive technical over 100 items with twelve patent in pathology field in China .It is entitled and awarded “the most merchantable goods in Hubei Province ’,and “valuing Contract and & Creditable Unit ” , “Quality management Advanced Unit”,“Hubei Excellent Enterprise ” respectively by the relative department of local government .
At present,our company is supported by the first class professional specialist in Pathology field and guided in producing by them cooperation with them frankly and credit,meanwhile , tens firms and units are selling our products to the domestic market and user in China. Above 100 service worker are supplying the best service for more than 3000 clients every year. In domestic markets , Taiva is developing as the only basic unit of producing the whole sets of Pathology Equipment covering the latest technical skill and the best product and service to the users in China and the rest of the world.
The professional specialist and team of working with perspective research capacity , advancing management concept , perfect production system , strict quality guarantee system and complete basic scientific research test equipments , Taiva can take the responsibility of trade leading provider with its incomparable scale advantages , technical advantages and talents advantages, so as to drive into the sustainable , healthy and fast developing speed track .
In order to strengthen the power of the national industrial enterprise in medical pathology , we are striving to enlarge our business field , not only all kinds of pathology equipment , but also covering medical , chemical,biological,foreign trade, media, and so on . It is stepping into the road of development which has the different business field. Our goal of developing is becoming a group in the future through our working hard.
Powerful brand, advantage products, hold technology , leading future.
Taiva ---imagine will be leading possible
Future is on the beside of you