Harvard Apparatus的注射泵以其品种多、精度高和出色的可靠性而享誉世界
• 出色的可靠性 – 两年质保
• 通用
• 便于使用
• 永久性存储器
• 坚固的结构
• 计算机操作
Harvard 22注射泵是一款符合工业标准的泵,它是世界上最受欢迎的泵。Harvard Apparatus长期以来提供不同类型和值得信赖的产品的传统正是泵所建立的基础。
Since the introduction of the first pump 22 many features and innovations have been added to the pump to offer a complete line of pumps for multiple syringe applications. Versions of the pump 22 for 4 microliter syringes, a 10 syringe rack and a syringe rack for 1 to 4, 140 ml syringes are available. An anti-siphon model is also available for infusion applications where the line pressure is lower than the syringe pressure. The anti-siphon bracket securely retains the syringe plunger to prevent unintended loss of fluid from the syringe.
This pump features an LED display and numerical keypad for easy entry of syringe diameter data and flow rates. Flow rate units can be set in µl/hr, µl/min, ml/hr and ml/min. An optical encoder monitors lead screw rotation to accurately maintain any flow rate. The run LED flashes when syringe plunger movement stops unexpectedly. A complete line of accessories for the Pump 22 are available including an interface box to make the connection of multiple accessories to a single pump fast and easy, see page A19.
The pump 22 can be controlled using RS-232 (serial) commands. An interface box and computer connector are required, see page A19 for a complete list of pump accessories. Multiple syringe pumps can be interconnected by daisy chaining pumps. Up to 100 pumps can be addressed independently using internal reference addresses from 0 to 99. A set of sample programs, using the Basic programming language, is included with each pump.
NatureGene Corp.
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