All the features of the PT-XL with an easy-to-use touchscreen interface.
Large, Simple, Graphic Interface - All commands are visible and controllable using the supplied 15" LCD touch screen monitor.
Easy to Read - There’s never a question as to what’s being displayed, even at a distance.
Report Generator - Easily capture data and view/print reports based on the materials you’re sectioning.
On-screen Help - With WorldWide Web-like simplicity.
Video Monitoring - This option uses the center of your touch screen monitor to display the sectioning process in real time. It can greatly reduce the back and neck strain associated with hovering over the microscope. It’s even large enough to allow the operator to monitor sectioning from a distance.
Autothin sectioning to 5 nm
Autothick sectioning to 10 microns
Digital section counter
Feed totalizer
15mm cutting stroke
Cutting speed range 0.1-49.9 mm/sec
Variable return speed selection over entire cutting speed range
Automatic feed 200 microns
Manual feed 50mm
4 Memory channels
Built-in self diagnostic programs
Compact two piece design with separate control unit
Built-in hand rests
Advanced technology multi-level vibration isolation system
High stability mechanical drive systems for both specimen advance and cutting
High precision micrometer knife stage
Fully adjustable “scan and tilt” stereomicroscope
Variable position lighting with LED backlighting and specimen transillumination
Specimen viewing mirror
Water trough filler with pump & reservoir
Seeing is Believing
样品制备:石蜡切片、冰冻切片、 超薄切片以及相关制样设备
样品观察:品牌显微镜 、品牌CCD 、 sCMOS相机 、EMCCD 、 小动物成像
图像处理:显微镜系统整合改造 、多维度图像工作站 、多光谱全景组织成像工作站 、 全玻片扫描及分析工作站
系统:激光共聚焦 、双光子生理显微镜 、转盘式共聚焦 、 超高分辨率显微镜(SIM/STED/STORM) 、Lightsheet光片显微镜 、高内涵显微系统、激光显微切割系统