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尼康 Nikon Ni-E 全电动型自动科研显微镜
型       号:Ni-E 最后更新:2014-7-8
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销售商: 上海衡浩仪器有限公司 查看该公司所有产品 >>
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作为正置显微镜进化史中的领导者,Ni系列显微镜以其不断改进的基本性能和灵活的系统扩展性,对生物科学研究起着重要的作用。新研发的 CFI Plan Apochromat λ系列物镜是本系列显微镜光学性能的关键。折射率超低的纳米水晶镀膜层是首次在显微镜中使用,可以提供更高的分辨率和更高对比度的显微图像。在倒置研究显微镜中应用并广受好评的尼康独特的分层结构技术,现在已经应用于本系列的正置显微镜中,是多种组件的组合安装成为现实。加装双层荧光装置和光活化装置后,可以进行需要使用Kaede和PA-GFP等激光蛋白和荧光蛋白的应用。Ni系列显微镜超越了传统正置显微镜的概念,同事又拓展了再生物医药科学等领域中进行高端科研的可能性。
CFI Plan Apochromat λ 物镜具有色差校正功能,可在更宽的波长范围内进行高性能透射。
3D 人体工程学设计功能性和精密性融为一体。
Ni-E: 可自动切换观察方法和调节显微镜配件的电动型号。
Ni-U: 具有部分电动的手动机型。



Ni-E (for use with focusing nosepiece)

Configured with an Ni photoactivation unit, two-tiered motorized epi-fluorescence cube turret and motorized quadrocular tilting tube



Focusing mechanism Focusing stage Focusing nosepiece
Main body Optical system CFI60 infinity optical system CFI60 and CFI75 infinity optical systems
Illumination 12V100W halogen lamp, power supply from control box A
Built-in fly-eye lens
Built-in NCB11/ND8/ND32 filters (in/out possible, detachable, one additional filter mountable) and diffuser (in/out not possible, non-detachable)
Motorized ND filter unit for light intensity control available as option
Controls Transmitted light on/off switch, intensity control dial (Preset function provided)
NCB11/ND8/ND32 filter in/out switches
Motorized control switches (field diaphragm, aperture diaphragm, objective changeover, objective escape, focus reset, fluorescence cube turret, excitation light shutter, optical path changeover, observation mode changeover, microscope status display changeover)
Image capture button
Ergo controller (option)
Focusing Motorized coaxial coarse/fine focusing
Built-in linear encoder, resolution: 0.05 μm
Focusing stroke (from focus point): upward 2 mm, downward 13 mm
Escape function as refocusing mechanism
Focusing stroke (from focus point): upward 12 mm, downward 3 mm
Escape function as refocusing mechanism
Eyepiece lens (F.O.V.) 10x (22 mm), 10xM photomask (22 mm), 12.5x (16 mm), 15x (14.5 mm), UW10x (25 mm), UW10xM photomask (25 mm)
Eyepiece tube
(Light distribution)

Binocular tube, F.O.V. 22
Trinocular tube F, F.O.V. 22/25* (eyepiece/port: 100/0, 0/100)
Trinocular tube T, F.O.V. 22/25* (eyepiece/port: 100/0, 20/80, 0/100)
Ergonomic binocular tube, F.O.V. 22, inclination angle: 10-30, tube extension up to 40 mm (when DSC port is attached, eyepiece/port: 100/0, 50/50)
Quadrocular tilting tube, Motorized quadrocular tilting tube, F.O.V. 22/25*, inclination angle: 15-35 (eyepiece/upper port/rear port: 100/0/0, 0/100/0, 0/0/100)

  • *When using layered epi-fluorescence cube turrets, or layered epi-fluorescence cube turret and motorized barrier filter wheel, F.O.V. is 22.
Arm Standard arm,
Contact arm: For motorized control
Nosepiece Motorized septuple nosepiece, Motorized sextuple DIC nosepiece, Intelligent septuple nosepiece, Intelligent sextuple DIC nosepiece, Sextuple DIC nosepiece, Sextuple nosepiece with analyzer slot, Sextuple nosepiece
  • Sliding nosepiece (for CFI60 objectives): Front/back sliding objective changeover, duple nosepiece, DIC slider insertable
  • Single objective holder (for CFI75 objectives): DIC slider insertable
Stage Rotatable ceramic-coated stage (Centerable, rotation angle 202°, with specimen holder for 2 slides)
Cross travel 78(X) x 54(Y) mm, with calibrations, stage handle height and torque adjustable
  • 3-plate mechanical stage
Cross travel 66(X) x 55(Y) mm
Motorized XY Stage
Observation area: 66(X) x 52(Y) mm, resolution: 0.1 μm
Movement speed: 25 mm/sec
Dish holder (option)
Substage For motorized universal condenser and stages (rotatable stage, motorized XY stage)
Attachable to the focusing unit of microscope
For LWD condenser and stages (3-plate mechanical stage, motorized XY stage)
Attachable to the base of microscope
Condenser Motorized universal condenser dry:
Optical modules for DIC, phase contrast, darkfield observations can be mounted.
Universal condenser dry, Abbe condenser NA 0.9, Achromat condenser NA 0.9, Darkfield condenser (oil or dry), Achromat/aplanat condenser NA 1.4, X LWD condenser, Slide achromat condenser 2-100x, Achromat swing-out condenser 2-100x, Achromat swing-out condenser 1-100x, DIC condenser (oil)
LWD condenser
NA: 0.78, OD: 82 mm
DIC and oblique light observations possible
Condenser holder For manual condensers, equipped with condenser focusing knob and condenser centering screw, attachable to substage Condenser holder with condenser focusing knob and condenser centering screw is included with the substage
Input rating 500 VA (With max. halogen lamp and full range of motorized options attached)
Weight (approx.) 25 kg (with motorized quadrocular tilting tube and fluorescent unit) 47 kg (with motorized quadrocular tilting tube and photoactivation unit)
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手机版:尼康 Nikon Ni-E 全电动型自动科研显微镜

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