> 特别型号很适合高通量的微孔板培养可一次培养超过几千个生物样品,是生物培养优化筛选的利器,多种振荡托板可选,外壳为冷轧板静电喷涂,满足客户灵活多样的实验需求。
> 具有 PHARM 7 的特点
> 全优化的振荡及平衡系统,可以确保在高速振荡时不会出现其他不需要的震动
> 可以增加湿度控制和 CO2 控制功能
> 大负载量,可以同时振荡 96 个标准微孔板或者 72 个深孔板
> 振荡速度:20~1000RPM
> 振幅:3mm,精度 1%
> 温度范围:常温型 : RT+5~60℃,低温型:RT-5-60℃(≥至 25℃)
> 温度稳定性:±0.1℃;温场均匀性:±0.2℃;
> 容积:250L
With its headquarter located in Netherland / Europe, Biostream company is famous for its highly qualified bio-equipment including shaking incubator, bioreactor, biochemistry analyser and other biotechnology equipment in the food, biobased fermentation, algae and cell culture field. In the area of photo bioreactors we have developed and produced bioreactors for different kinds of microalgae and phototrophic bacteria. In the biobased field we are producing equipment for pre-treatment, hydrolyses in combination with fermentation. With the focus on service and R&D we can develop customized solutions which are not available on the market yet. Fermentation in the direction of water technology is becoming more interesting and we will also explore new ideas in this field. Together with several partners we can bring new ideas into highly qualified bioequipment.