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英文名称:ALS (Acid Labile Subunit)ELISA
胰岛素样生长因子(IGF)-I和-Ⅱ与血流中的特异性结合蛋白(IGFBP)结合。到目前为止,已根据其氨基酸序列鉴定出七种不同的结合蛋白,并将其分类为IGFBP-1至IGFBP-7 [1.2])。在血液中,IGFBP-3占主导地位,主要用于调节 IGF-1和-Ⅱ浓度:与其他结合蛋白相比,IGFBP-3和.IGFBP-5具有除IGF-1和-ll,一种酸不稳定亚基(酸不稳定亚基,ALS)[3-5]。因此,IGFBP-3几乎完全以这种高分子量三元复合物的形式存在,但有少量游离IGFBP-3也在血液中发现[6,7]。
酸不稳定亚基,以下称为酸不稳定亚基(ALS),被合成为605个氨基酸的前肽。分泌所需的信号肽(氨基酸1-27)在运输过程中被分解(Swiss-Prot P35858版本82)。因此,成熟的红色蛋白质由578个氨基酸组成,富含亮氨酸的序列是ALS蛋白质的特征。除了这20个富含亮氨酸的序列部分之外,还有许多N连接糖链的糖基化位点。Miller BS等人在他们的研究中能够表明,IGF-1、IGF-II、ALS和IGFBP-3的不完全糖基化导致血清中这些蛋白质浓度的降低,同时伴随着生长的改善。[8]。ALS 基因的突变会导致IGF-IIGFBP-3缺乏,从而导致生长障碍[9]。ALS的完全丧失导致中度生长障碍[10]。除生长障碍外,能量代谢也受到IGF-I或三元复合物的影响,因此3例原发性ALS缺乏症患者出现高胰岛素血症[11,12]。此外,ALS-iGF-IGFBP系统似乎对冠状动脉疾病也很重要[13]。
该测试的结果可用于补充IGF-、IGFBP-3测量的结果,从而用于评估生长激素缺乏和过量[14.15]。1990年,Baxter RC开发了一种用于测量ALS的内部放射免疫测定法[6],并且能够表明ALS在健康人的血清中以高浓度(50 ug/mL)发生。然而,在羊水、脑脊液或精浆中没有检测到ALS,尽管这些体液也含有高浓度的IGFBP-3。
1.Ballard.J.. et al.. On the nomenclature of the lGF binding proteins.Acta Endocrinol(Copenh).1989.121(5): p.751-2.
2. Wilson.E.M..Y.Oh. and R.G. Rosenfeld.Generation and characterization of anIGFBP-7 antibody.:identification of 31kDIGFBP-7 in human biological fluids and Hs578Thuman breast cancer conditionedmedia.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.1997.82(4): p.1301-3.
3.Baxter. R.C..Characterization of the acid-labile subunit of the growth hormone-dependent insulin-likegrowth factor binding protein complex.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.1988.67(2): p.265-72.
4.Baxter.R.C.and J.L. Martin. Structure of the Mr 140.000 growth hormone-dependentinsulin-likegrowth factor binding protein complex: determination by reconstitution and affinity-labeling.Proc NatlAcad Sci u sA.1989.86(18): p.6898-902.
5.Holman. S.R.and R.C.Baxter. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3:factorsaffecting binary andternary complex formation. Growth Regul.1996.6(1): p.42-7.
6.Baxter.R.C..Radioimmunoassay for insulin-like growth factor (IGF)ll: interference bypure lGF-bindingproteins.J lmmunoassay.1990.11(4): p. 445-58.
7.Blum. w.F. and M.B.Ranke. Use of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 for theevaluation ofgrowth disorders. Horm Res.1990.33 Suppl 4: p.31-7.
8.Miller.B.s.. et al..The insulin-like growth factor system in children with congenitaldisorders ofglycosylation. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2009.
9.Fofanova-Gambetti. O.V.. et al.. Three novel IGFALSgene mutations resulting in totalALS and severecirculating lGF-IGFBP-3 deficiency in children of different ethnic origins.Horm Res.2009.71(2): p.100-10.
10. Hwa.V.et al..Total absence of functional acid labile subunit. resulting in severeinsulin-like growthfactor deficiency and moderate growth failure.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2006.91(5): p.1826-31.
11.Heath. K.E.. et al. Primary acid-labile subunit deficiency due to recessive IGFALSmutations results inpostnatal growth deficit associated with low circulating insulin growthfactor (IGF)-IIGF binding protein-3levels, and hyperinsulinemia.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2008.93(5): p.1616-24.
12. Domene.H.M.. et al..Acid-labile subunit deficiency: phenotypic similarities anddifferences betweenhuman and mouse.JEndocrinol lnvest. 2005.28(5 Suppl): p. 43-6.
13.Fischer.F..et al.Associations of insulin-like growth factors. insulin-like growth factorbinding proteinsand acid-Jlabile subunit with coronary heart disease.Clin Endocrinol (Oxf).2004.61(5); p.595-602.14.Morrison.K.Mc et al..Sample pre-treatment determines the clinical usefulness of acid-labile subunitimmunoassays in the diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency and acromegaly.Eur J
Endocrinol.2007,156(3): p.331-9.
15.Tzanela, M..et al. Growth hormone binding protein and acid labile subunit levels inthe assessment ofacromegaly treatment.Hormones (Athens).2005.4(3): p.148-54.
16.Stadler. $et al..Monoclonal anti-acid-labile subunit oligopeptide antibodies and theiruse in a two-siteimmunoassay for ALS measurement in humans.J lmmunol Methods.2001.252(1-2): p.73-82.
17.Khosravi.M.J.. et al..Acid-labile subunit of human insulin-like growth factor-bindingprotein complex:measurement. molecular.and clinical evaluation.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.1997.82(12): p.3944-51.
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