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NEXTFLEX® ChIP-Seq Barcodes
英文名称:NEXTFLEX® ChIP-Seq Barcodes-6总访问:225
规       格:48Rxns、96Rxns、192Rxns、384Rxns 最后更新:2024-10-9
货       号:NOVA-514120
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Increase Your Sequencing Scale

The NEXTFLEX® ChIP-Seq Barcodes are adapters containing indexed sequences that offer an improved multiplexing workflow and flexible setup. These barcodes are available in sets of 6, 12, 24, and 48 unique adapters. The ability to pool samples in an efficient way significantly decreases hands-on time while providing robust data quality. These barcodes can be used with single, paired-end, and multiplex reads. These adapters are compatible with the NEXTFLEX® ChIP-Seq and the NEXTFLEX® Rapid DNA-Seq 2.0 workflows.


Avoiding Registration Failure with Low Level Multiplexing

Registration failure could occur if the color balance was not maintained between the red and green lasers (used to sequence A/C bases and G/T bases, respectively). Read our recent blog post, Tech Tips – Barcode Recommendations for Low Level Multiplexing, to learn how to avoid registration failure on an Illumina® sequencer caused by lack sufficient index sequence diversity.



  • 6 nt index contained within adapter sequence
  • Up to 48 multiplexed samples (up to 384 reactions per kit)
  • Considerably reduce your per-sample sequencing cost by barcoded multiplexing
  • Increase your sequencing scale by pooling 100s of samples on a single flow cell
  • Compatible with Illumina® next-generation sequencing platforms



货号 产品名称  规格
NOVA-514120 NEXTFLEX® ChIP-Seq Barcodes-6 48 RXNS
NOVA-514121 NEXTFLEX® ChIP-Seq Barcodes-12 96 RXNS
NOVA-514122  NEXTFLEX® ChIP-Seq Barcodes-24 192 RXNS

NEXTFLEX® ChIP-Seq Barcodes-48

384 RXNS

  • NEXTFLEX® ChIP Adapter (0.6 µM)
  • NEXTFLEX® Primer Mix (12.5 µM)

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