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NEXTFLEX® PCR-Free Barcodes
英文名称:NEXTFLEX® PCR-Free Barcodes-6总访问:178
规       格:48 Rxns、192 Rxns 最后更新:2024-10-9
货       号:NOVA-514110
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Pool Multiple Library Preparations in a Single Flow Cell Lane

NEXTFLEX® PCR-Free Barcodes are barcoded adapters for multiplexing Illumina® libraries which provide flexibility and high-throughput capabilities in sequencing applications. They significantly increase scale while reducing costs by allowing the user to pool multiple library preparations in a single flow cell lane. The NEXTFLEX® PCR-Free Barcodes accomplish this by using an indexed adapter with a 6 nt unique sequence. This allows for proper differentiation between samples, preventing poor reads caused by single base errors introduced during PCR. The NEXTFLEX® index is contained within the adapter sequence, eliminating the need to perform PCR to add flow cell binding sequences. These barcodes can be used with single, paired-end, and multiplex reads and are compatible with the NEXTFLEX® PCR-Free Sequencing Kits and other PCR-Free DNA library prep protocols.



  • 6 nt index contained within adapter sequence eliminates the need to perform PCR to add flow cell binding sequences
  • Up to 24 multiplexed samples (up to 192 reactions per kit)
  • Compatible with NEXTFLEX® PCR-Free DNA Sequencing Kit
  • Considerably reduce your per-sample sequencing cost by barcoded multiplexing
  • Increase your sequencing scale by pooling 100s of samples on a single flow cell
  • Compatible with Illumina® Next-Generation Sequencing platforms


货号 产品名称  规格
 NOVA-514110  NEXTFLEX® PCR-Free Barcodes-6 48 RXNS

NEXTFLEX® PCR-Free Barcodes-24

192 RXNS

  • NEXTFLEX® PCR-Free Barcode Adapter (50 µM)

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手机版:NEXTFLEX® PCR-Free Barcodes

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