Headache-free loading of siRNAs and miRNAs into extracellular vesicles
Whether you’re engineering extracellular vesicles (EVs) as part of therapeutics development1 or using them as a tool for functional studies of EV-mediated nucleic acid delivery2, getting the desired miRNA or siRNA cargo into EVs is a critical first step. SBI helps you efficiently and effortlessly get this step done with the Exo-Fect™ siRNA/miRNA Transfection Kit, a first-in-class reagent specifically designed for loading small RNAs into EVs.
Unlike electroporation, a common method for introducing small RNAs into EVs3, the Exo-Fect workflow does not require access to specialized equipment or the same time-consuming optimization of voltage and timing. Instead, it leverages our proprietary Cell-Penetrating Peptide (CPP) technology to transfer siRNAs or miRNAs to the inside of your EVs.
This next-generation EV transfection reagent offers the following benefits:
- Efficient delivery—siRNA/miRNA-loaded EVs deliver cargo to as many as 95% of target cells*
- Validated efficacy—siRNA-loaded EVs lead to significant knockdown (>80%) of target gene expression in transfected cells**
- No toxicity—unlike commonly-used lipid-based transfection reagents, the Exo-Fect siRNA/miRNA Transfection Reagent causes no toxicity in tested cells
- Fast, easy workflow—go from prepared small RNA to ready-to-use, RNA-loaded EVs in less than 1.5-hours and with only 15-minutes of hands-on time
- Minimal background—a clean-up step ensures complete removal of free small RNA and excess transfection reagent for clean, ready-to-use, RNA-loaded EVs
*As assessed by exposing non-fluorescent target cells to EVs loaded with Cy3-labeled control siRNA using Exo-Fect siRNA/miRNA transfection reagent, and then measuring the percentage of fluorescent cells (HeLa, HUVEC, and HEK293 cells were all tested).
** As assessed using qPCR analysis of HPRT gene expression in cells treated with either HPRT-targeting siRNA or control siRNA.
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