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FLIPR TETRA 高通量实时荧光成像分析仪
英文名称:FLIPR TETRA real-time kinetic cellular assays总访问:5811
产地/品牌:美国Molecular Devices产品类别:蛋白质组
型       号:FLIPR TETRA 最后更新:2015-1-30
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The FLIPR TETRA system from Molecular Devices is an industry-renowned instrument for monitoring GPCRs and ion channels. The system provides a reliable and flexible highthroughput screening solution for identifying early leads in the drug discovery process. FLIPRTETRA is optimized for use with both fluorescent and luminescent assays, including aequorin and Molecular Devices’ no-wash FLIPR calcium and ion channel assays.
The ability to configure instruments through varying stages of the drug discovery screening process is a challenge that requires instrument hardware flexibility and an easy-to-use software interface. Molecular Devices addresses these challenges with the FLIPRTETRA system for kinetic cell-based screening. Since its introduction, FLIPRTETRA has developed a reputation for reliability and ease-of-use. The system can be configured based on library size, detection mode, screening format, assay, and target, making the transition from assay development to lead optimization a seamless process.
Two camera options—standard for fluorescence only, or aequorin for both fluorescence and luminescence—allow the user to tailor the system to their needs. The aequorin camera can be adjusted to the appropriate window to detect signals from bright fluorescence or dim luminescence assays. User-exchangeable, proven LED banks and emission filters provide the flexibility to perform experiments using dyes that are most appropriate for selected assays, whether they are single wavelength or ratiometric.
User-exchangeable pipettor heads—available in 96-, 384-, 1536-well formats, as well as pin tools in 384 and 1536 format—allow for the adjustment of screening rates based on throughput, material consumption, and assay requirements. The pipettor heads have a proven track record, with the 1536 pipettor utilizing the elastomeric positive displacement technology. Regardless of the format used, each pipettor can be exchanged by a system operator in minutes and can pipette reagents, compounds, or cells.
Delivering cells in suspension is an important option that simplifies luminescence calcium mobilization assay protocols while increasing throughput. Spinner flasks maintain a uniform cell suspension to promote assay robustness. A variety of flask sizes are available to scale the volume for assay development or highthroughput screening. FLIPR pipettor heads deliver cells in up to 1536 format from the user-installable, universal cell suspension reservoir, eliminating the need for cell plating. Cell handling can be optimized for different cell lines by adjusting the stir and pump speeds and pipetting parameters through ScreenWorks software. The cell suspension reservoir is autoclavable and user-defined protocols can include up to four wash solvents to automate system cleaning.
FLIPRTETRA utilizes Molecular Devices’ ScreenWorks system control software to define and run experimental
protocols. Using a drag-and-drop interface, protocols can be easily set up to include:
> Fluorescent or luminescent read modes
> Simultaneous transfer of 96, 384, or 1536 liquid or cells in suspension
> Complex quadrant, multiple aspirations or multiple dispensing liquid handling
> Single or ratiometric kinetic cell-based reading
> Tip washing with up to two solvents
> Cell suspension delivery with automatable cleaning protocols
> Simple-to-create automation protocols
ScreenWorks is both flexible and user-friendly. During protocol set-up, only relevant options are displayed, based on the installed fluidics and optics hardware, making it easy to choose parameters that are right for each assay. Live and informationrich data in 96-, 384- or 1536-well plate format is displayed while testing. Specific wells can be grouped for analysis or data export purposes. Graphs and tables can be easily copied and pasted into documents, presentations or worksheets, and different reductions can be selected for group statistics, making results readily accessible.
Accelerate throughput
TETRAcycler, the optional internal plate handler on FLIPRTETRA, exchanges microplates between the system plate stage and an external third-party plate handler. TETRAcycler minimizes downtime between experiments, thus increasing throughput, by exchanging plates and tips while the experiment is in process. The TETRAcycler features:
> Ability to exchange one read plate and up to 12 source plates and tips during one experiment
> Ability to run 20 read plates in one hour, including a two-minute read-time and exchange of one source plate and tip rack
> Compatibility with low-profile plates using TETRAcycler gripper
> Elevated instrument intelligence creating an efficient interface between the FLIPRTETRA system and the external plate handler
Key system highlights include:
> Standard fluorescence or optional aequorin luminescence detection
> User-configurable 96-, 384-, and 1536-well pipettors
> User-exchangeable cell suspension option
> Unique, configurable excitation optics for expanded dye capabilities
> Intuitive, user-friendly software interface
> TETRAcycler™ internal plate handler for accelerated throughput


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手机版:FLIPR TETRA 高通量实时荧光成像分析仪

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