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销售商: 北京赛百奥科技有限公司 | 查看该公司所有产品 >> |
CHEF-DR II脉冲场电泳系统
CHEF–DR II 系统采用120° 固定角度,经优化以适合最常用的分离跨度。通过调低电压及延长电泳时间,可用于分离6 Mb 的片段。
目录 # |
描述 |
170-3612 |
CHEF-DR II System, 100/120 V, includes electrophoresis cell, drive module, control module, variable-speed pump, 14 x 13 cm casting stand with frame and platform, comb holder, 15-well, 1.5 mm thick comb, screened cap, disposable plug molds, 12' Tygon tubing, 2 plugs S. cerevisiae DNA size standards, 5 g pulsed field certified agarose, 5 g Certified megabase agarose, instructions |
170-3615 |
CHEF-DR II System, 220/240 V |
170-3725 |
CHEF-DR II Chiller System, 120 V, includes electrophoresis cell, drive module, control module, variable-speed pump, 14 x 13 cm casting stand with frame and platform, comb holder, 15-well, 1.5 mm thick comb, screened cap, disposable plug molds, 12' Tygon tubing, 2 plugs S. cerevisiae DNA size standards, 5 g pulsed field certified agarose, 5 g Certified megabase agarose, instructions; includes cooling module |
170-3727 |
CHEF-DR II Chiller System, 220/240 V 价格¥255988.00 |
170-3728 |
CHEF-DR II Chiller System, 100 V |
CHEF-DR III 可变角脉冲场电泳系统
使用CHEF–DR III 系统,用户可自己设置条件。指导手册记录了大量不同分离跨度下的电泳条件。
CHEF–DR III 系统能编程电泳角度,为200 kb 到>6Mb 的DNA 分子提供快速、高分辨率的分离。CHEF–DR III系统能选择特定DNA 大小跨度的最佳电压梯度、转换时间及角度。可编程3 个连续执行的电泳条件模块,增加了 电泳可运行的条件,从而进一步优化分离。
目录 # |
描述 |
170-3695 |
CHEF-DR III System, 100/120 V, includes power module, electrophoresis cell, variable-speed pump, 14 x 13 cm casting stand with frame and platform, comb holder, 15-well, 1.5 mm thick comb, screened cap, disposable plug molds, 12' Tygon tubing, 2 plugs S. cerevisiae DNA size standards, two 0.5 A FB fuses, 5 g pulsed field certified agarose, 5 g Certified megabase agarose, instructions |
170-3697 |
CHEF-DR III System, 220/240 V |
170-3700 |
CHEF-DR III Chiller System, 120 V, includes power module, electrophoresis cell, variable-speed pump, 14 x 13 cm casting stand with frame and platform, comb holder, 15-well, 1.5 mm thick comb, screened cap, disposable plug molds, 12' Tygon tubing, 2 plugs S. cerevisiae DNA size standards, two 0.5 A FB fuses, 5 g pulsed field certified agarose, 5 g Certified megabase agarose, instructions; includes cooling module |
170-3702 |
CHEF-DR III Chiller System, 220/240 V |
CHEF Mapper XA 脉冲场电泳系统
CHEF Mapper XA 系统为你提供2 种途径 以优化分离。独特的自动计算功能整合了11 个关键变量及设定起始分离条件,能为你的分 离自动选择最佳条件。以Windows 为基础的交互式运算程序可用于改进实验流程。程序能让你同时确定多个电泳变量以得出最优化的分离规程。
繁忙的实验室需要能储存关键分离条件的设备。CHEF Mapper XA 系统能储存多达99 个程序。
CHEF Mapper XA 系统是最灵活的PFGE 单元。与其它PFGE 系统相比,CHEF Mapper XA 系统可获得更高的分辨率、更快的速度和更高的精确度,是所有PFGE 应用的理想选择。
CHEF Mapper XA 系统能让你选择0°–360° 内的任何脉冲角度,使你用一个系统就能完成染色体和质粒DNA 的最佳分离。
精确的片段大小分离需要一个扩展的线性分离跨度。通过逐渐改变电泳过程中的转换时间来转换时间梯度,从而增加片段迁移率。非线性(例如,凹形或凸形)梯度改变电泳起始到结束过程中的转换时间增量。非线性梯度可线性分离50–700 kb 片段,获得更精确的片段大小。
目录 # |
描述 |
CHEF Mapper Systems |
170-3670 |
CHEF Mapper XA Chiller System, 120 V, includes CHEF Mapper XA power module, embedded auto-algorithm for protocol optimization, interactive algorithm program disk, electrophoresis cell, cooling module, variable-speed pump, Tygon tubing (12'), 14 x13 cm (W x L) casting stand, 15-well 1.5 mm comb and comb holder, screened cap, disposable plug molds, leveling bubble, cables, S. cerevisiae standards, two 0.5 A FB fuses, 5 g pulsed field certified agarose, 5 g Certified megabase agarose, instructions |
170-3671 |
CHEF Mapper XA Chiller System, 100 V |
170-3672 |
CHEF Mapper XA Chiller System, 220 V |
170-3673 |
CHEF Mapper XA Chiller System, 240 V, includes CHEF Mapper XA power module, embedded auto-algorithm for protocol optimization, interactive algorithm program disk, electrophoresis cell, cooling module, variable-speed pump, Tygon tubing (12'), 14 x13 cm (W x L) casting stand, 15-well 1.5 mm comb and comb holder, screened cap, disposable plug molds, leveling bubble, cables, S. cerevisiae standards, two 0.5 A FB fuses, 5 g pulsed field certified agarose, 5 g Certified megabase agarose, instructions |
Accessories |
162-0196 |
Zeta-Probe GT Membrane, 30 cm x 3.3 m, 1 roll |
162-0197 |
Zeta-Probe GT Membrane, 20 cm x 3.3 m, 1 roll |
170-3622 |
Reusable Plug Mold, 10 plug |
170-3623 |
Preparative Comb, 14 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick, with 2 outer wells for size standards |
170-3627 |
15-Well Comb, 21 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick |
170-3628 |
30-Well Comb, 21 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick |
170-3643 |
Gel Scoop |
170-3644 |
Variable-Speed Pump, 120 V |
170-3645 |
45-Well Comb, 21 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick |
170-3648 |
Electrodes, thick gauge (0.02"), 6 |
170-3654 |
Cooling Module, 120 V |
170-3655 |
Cooling Module, 220/240 V |
170-3688 |
Cooling Module, 100 V |
170-3689 |
Standard Casting Stand, includes 14 x 13 cm frame and platform |
170-3699 |
Combination Comb Holder |
170-3704 |
Wide/Long Combination Casting Stand, includes 21 x 14 cm frame and platform |
170-3711 |
Screened Caps, 5 |
170-3713 |
50-Well Disposable Plug Molds, 5 |
170-4046 |
Leveling Table, 20 x 30 cm |
170-4322 |
20-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick, adjustable height |
170-4323 |
15-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 0.75 thick, adjustable height |
170-4324 |
15-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick, adjustable height |
170-4325 |
10-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 0.75 mm thick, adjustable height |
170-4326 |
10-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick, adjustable height |
170-4344 |
30-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick, adjustable height |
Agaroses and Size Standards |
162-0017 |
Low Melt Preparative Grade Agarose, 25 g |
162-0019 |
Low Melt Preparative Grade Agarose, 100 g |
162-0135 |
Chromosomal Grade Agarose, 25 g |
162-0136 |
Chromosomal Grade Agarose, 100 g |
162-0137 |
Pulsed Field Certified Agarose, 100 g |
162-0138 |
Pulsed Field Certified Agarose, 500 g |
170-3592 |
CHEF Bacterial Genomic DNA Plug Kit, contains 12 ml cell suspension buffer, 1.3 ml proteinase K, 30 ml proteinase K reaction buffer, 12 ml 2% CleanCut agarose, 60 ml 10x wash buffer, 1.6 ml lysozyme (25 mg/ml), 30 ml lysozyme buffer, screened cap, 2 disposable plug molds, instructions |
170-3593 |
CHEF Yeast Genomic DNA Plug Kit, contains 12 ml cell suspension buffer, 1.3 ml proteinase K, 30 ml proteinase K reaction buffer, 12 ml 2% CleanCut agarose, 60 ml 10x wash buffer, 1.6 ml lyticase, 25 ml lyticase buffer, screened cap, 2 disposable plug molds, instructions |
170-3605 |
CHEF DNA Size Marker, S. cerevisiae, 0.2–2.2 Mb, 5 agarose blocks, sufficient for 25–40 plugs |
170-3624 |
CHEF DNA Size Standard, 5 kb ladder, 24–40 applications |
170-3633 |
CHEF DNA Size Marker, S. pombe, 3.5–5.7 Mb, 5 agarose blocks, sufficient for 25–40 plugs |
170-3635 |
CHEF DNA Size Standard, lambda ladder, 0.05–1 Mb, 5 agarose blocks, sufficient for 25–40 plugs |
170-3667 |
CHEF DNA Size Marker, H. wingei, 1–3.1 Mb, 5 agarose blocks, sufficient for 25–40 plugs |
170-3707 |
CHEF DNA Size Standard, 8–48 kb, 125 lanes |
脉冲场电泳标准品可为您节省数天的准备时间。Bio-Rad 提供了从质粒插入的FIGE 分离到最大染色体分离的 标准品。脉冲场标准品以低熔点琼脂糖凝胶块形式提供,凝胶块可根据上样孔大小而随意切割。
分子量跨度范围 |
组成 |
含量 |
应用数量 |
5 kb 梯度 |
4.9–120 kb |
pBR328 多联体 |
20 µg ,200 µl |
20–25 |
8–48 kb 梯度 |
8.3–48.5 kb |
λ 降解混合物 |
25 µg, 125 µl |
125 |
λ DNA 梯度 |
0.05–1 Mb |
λcl 857 Sam7 多联体 |
5 个琼脂糖凝胶块 |
25–40 |
S. cerevisiae |
0.2–2.2 Mb |
Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
5 个琼脂糖凝胶块 |
25–40 |
H. wingei |
1–3.1 Mb |
Hansenula wingei |
5 个琼脂糖凝胶块 |
25–40 |
S. pombe |
3.5–5.7 Mb |
Schizosaccharomyces pombe |
5 个琼脂糖凝胶块 |
25–40 |
Bio-Rad 精确的分子质量标尺能在凝胶上正确定量DNA,是光密度分析和图像分析的理想选择。这些标尺有5 根条带,分别含有 100、70、50、20 和10 ng DNA。精确EZ Load 分子质量标尺可直接上样。
CHEF 基因组DNA插块试剂盒
CHEF 基因组DNA 插块试剂盒为PFGE 制备完整 的染色体大小的DNA 提供了方便。对于如此大的分子, 机械抽提会产生DNA 机械剪切, 导致了不好的PFGE 分离效果。要解决这个问题,通过将全细胞包埋于琼 脂糖中进行裂解和去蛋白质,最终获得完整的纯化 DNA。Bio-Rad 提供3 种试剂盒,分别用于制备细菌 (溶菌酶敏感)、哺乳动物的基因组DNA 及酵母染色体 (YACs)。每个试剂盒包括制备100 个插块所需要的酶、 反应缓冲液和限制性酶切CleanCut 琼脂糖,也包括一 次性插块模和屏蔽帽以简化插块处理。每个试剂盒都 经过严格测试,保证所制备的基因组DNA 能被限制性 酶切并可在CHEF 电泳系统中分离。
分离E.coli 染色体酶切片段。 泳道1 和14,S.cerevisiae 染色体;泳道2 和13,λ 分子 量梯度;泳道3-6,DH5 alphaF' 染色体DNA 的NotI 消化物(泳 道3);HB101( 泳道4 );MC 1061(泳道5);MV 1190 (泳道 6)。泳道8-11,DH5 alphaF' 染色体DNA 的SfiI 消化物( 泳道 8);HB101( 泳道9 );MC1061( 泳道10 );MV1190 ( 泳道 11)。DNA 片段在0.5 x TBE, 14°C, 6 V/cm (200 V),120° 角 度,2.77–26.32 秒线性转换时间梯度,于1.0% 脉冲场 Certified 琼脂糖凝胶上分离。
目录 # |
描述 |
170-3592 |
CHEF Bacterial Genomic DNA Plug Kit, contains 12 ml cell suspension buffer, 1.3 ml proteinase K, 30 ml proteinase K reaction buffer, 12 ml 2% CleanCut agarose, 60 ml 10x wash buffer, 1.6 ml lysozyme (25 mg/ml), 30 ml lysozyme buffer, screened cap, 2 disposable plug molds, instructions |
170-3593 |
CHEF Yeast Genomic DNA Plug Kit, contains 12 ml cell suspension buffer, 1.3 ml proteinase K, 30 ml proteinase K reaction buffer, 12 ml 2% CleanCut agarose, 60 ml 10x wash buffer, 1.6 ml lyticase, 25 ml lyticase buffer, screened cap, 2 disposable plug molds, instructions |
170-3594 |
CleanCut Agarose, 2%, 12 ml |