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销售商: 深圳市凌达生物科技有限公司 | 查看该公司所有产品 >> |
700F LED提供兩個獨立的生長區域,使這型號理想地應用在需要不同環境下在一個小檯面上操作較小的實驗,標準的700F LED光照系統提供廣泛的植物生長光譜紅光、紅外光、藍光組合,LED燈允許實驗彈性的選擇大面板波長。形態分析是擷取一系列間隔範圍的圖像,範圍從秒到小時為間隔,在時間的推移,在不同時刻區域測量,分析軟體是一個功能強大的工具就會將結果分析轉換。
濕度範圍: 40% – 90% 精度: ±3% @ 80% RH
CO2 範圍:0 – 5000ppm
光和水提供植物生長,設計於所有植物生長箱,為需要這些原料進行光合作用。 然而影響不太明顯,需要二氧化碳和各種濃度對植物生長的影響。 研究和探討植物對CO2濃度提高的反應,顯示出植物反應對CO2濃度升高的各種變化,發育階段,光照,溫度,營養,生根容器的大小都可能各不相同。曾經認為只要簡單的增加光合作用,就會因此生長,但目前已經了解增加二氧化碳會涉及一系列複雜的生理、代謝和形態學的改變。
Contrary to the 700F LED where the camera is mounted on top of the instrument and images are taken from above, on the 700F LED the cameras are side mounted. This is the method of choice to monitor luminescence and fluorescence signals in leaves and shoot meristems.Yet, in many research projects it is necessary to monitor gene expression in roots and shoots and correlate to growth morphology. In order to not disturb the gravitropic behaviour the seedlings have to be maintained upright in their natural vertical orientation. The laterally mounted camera and the rotating table holding the trays with the seedlings in a vertical orientation are the solution. Videos from sequence measurements can be instantly created within a video software. Multiple or multiday measurements are managed through a scheduler, so that the software doesn’t need to be active all the time. Thanks to the powerful batch manipulation features e.g. small changes in the scaling can be applied to other images within seconds.