Celloger Mini是基于明视野显微镜的自动化活细胞成像系统。该系统在CO2培养箱内可长时间稳定工作,减少细胞损伤。自动聚焦功能可产生高清晰度图像,同时系统定期捕获图像,为研究人员提供了实时观察细胞形态环境。Celloger Mini可在从基于细胞的研究到生物制药的开发和生产过程中进行广泛应用。
Celloger Mini is an automated live cell imaging system based on bright-field microscopy with fully motorized stages.
This all-around and compact system provides autofocusing, time lapse imaging, and analytical software that lets you perform various types of sophisticated researches. Celloger Mini is designed to withstand the temperature and humidity suitable for the growth of cells that makes it compatible with CO2 incubators. Diversify your research paradigm with our integrated live cell imaging system, CELLOGER MINI