EZ-2 是一款强大的溶剂蒸发仪,可处理侵蚀性溶剂和化学品的浓缩蒸发工作,并广泛应用于药物化学研究领域。EZ-2蒸发仪配有一个集成的真空泵和冷阱,可蒸发盐酸、硝酸、TFA、氯化溶剂和易爆溶剂。可互换的样品容器架支持多种规格容器,从小的试管到500ml的瓶子(vials)。EZ-2蒸发仪的操作非常简单。其内置系统中包括多种不同的溶剂类型,用户只需简单选择溶剂类型,设定温度,然后按“开始”按钮,剩下的工作就可以完全交给EZ-2来独自完成。
• 标准型(EZ-2)适用于水和挥发性溶剂
• EZ-2 Envi被推荐用于挥发性溶剂的浓缩
• EZ-2 Plus被推荐用于沸点高于165°C的溶剂
• EZ-2 Elite被推荐用于沸点高于220°C的溶剂
• 一体化紧凑设计,节省实验空间
• 直接电机驱动离心旋转系统,最大离心力:500g-Force
• 免除霜的冷阱单元
• 无油真空泵,真空度最高达2mbar
• 专利的Dri-Pure技术保护样品不爆沸,SampleShield系统防止样品过热
• 适用于醇类,DCM,乙酸乙酯,乙腈,水,TFA,(DMF)等常规溶剂
• 有多种尺寸的架子和转子可选,适合各种试管、小瓶、离心管等
• 有抗盐酸的型号可选
Genevac Ltd 在中国的代理商:
香港德祥科技有限公司 Tegent Technology Ltd.
Genevac is a subsidiary of SP Scientific
SP Scientific is a leading manufacturer of specialty equipment for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, industrial, academic, and OEM applications. Products are sold under marketing leading brands that include Genevac solvent evaporators and miVac sample concentrators, FTS precision thermal control systems and LyoStar freeze dryers with SMART control for freeze drying cycle development, Virtis laboratory, pilot-plant, and production scale freeze dryers, and Hotpack glassware washers and dryers.
Company Origins
Genevac was founded in 1990 by Michael Cole. At this time, the small, family owned business specialised in the manufacture of corrosion proof vacuum pumps and centrifugal evaporation equipment for the life science research laboratory.
Centrifugal evaporation involves the use of lowered pressure to reduce the boiling points of solvents thereby accelerating their evaporation. Samples are placed in a rotor and spun during the drying process to prevent violent solvent boiling (known as "bumping").
Michael Cole invented the revolutionary Cole Vacuum Pump (CVP) to provide the world''s first corrosion proof high vacuum, low maintenance laboratory pump. The CVP pump originally formed the backbone of all Genevac vacuum systems to provide unparalleled levels of performance. The evaporation systems produced between 1990 and 1995 were very compact bench top systems for general-purpose use in life science research.
With advances made in technology, this has now been superseded with the Scroll Pump. Developed by BOC Edwards, with assistance from Genevac, and based on the "scroll" principle. The scroll pump takes itfs name from the design of the pump head, where a series of crescent shaped scrolls cut into an oscillating rotor are used to repeatedly compress and decompress the gas or vapour to be pumped.
1995 - The Emerging Combinatorial Chemistry Market
In conjunction with the emergence of new technologies to speed up drug discovery and development in the pharmaceutical industry, the company focussed on developing a new class of laboratory evaporation equipment specifically designed for combinatorial chemistry and its related applications.
Combinatorial techniques demand high throughput, high performance laboratory synthesis, solvent evaporation and purification equipment capable of operating in a production environment. Genevac became the first manufacturer to build solvent evaporation systems for combinatorial chemistry. Genevac currently manufacture a range of standard systems from the compact bench-top EZ-2 and HT-4X systems to ultra-high throughput Mega production scale systems.
The success of the combinatorial chemistry systems launched in 1995 gave rise to accelerated company growth. The systems are currently used in most major pharmaceutical research laboratories worldwide. The company won the Queen''s Award for Innovation in 2000 in recognition of the innovations incorporated into the products.