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CyTOF 2质谱流式细胞仪
产地/品牌:Fluidigm 富鲁达产品类别:流式细胞仪
型       号:CyTOF 2 最后更新:2023-5-22
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销售商: 富鲁达(上海)仪器科技有限公司 查看该公司所有产品 >>
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The CyTOF® 2 system, the world’s most advanced mass cytometry platform, brings high-parameter capabilities to protein research, providing an unparalleled capacity to generate high-resolution phenotypic and functional profiles of cells from normal and diseased states.

The CyTOF 2 mass cytometer analyzes individual cells labeled with stable metal isotopes using state-of-the-art inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight technology. With more than 120 detection channels, the CyTOF 2 has the capability to simultaneously resolve multiple elemental probes per cell at high acquisition rates, thereby maximizing the per-cell information obtained from a single sample.

Mass cytometry employs elemental tags that are uncommon in biological systems. Cells stained with metal-conjugated probes in a single-cell suspension are introduced into the CyTOF 2 and undergo a multistep process within the instrument to detect these metal tags and record the identity and amount of each probe on each cell.

Channels 121
Mass Range 89–209 amu
Abundance Sensitivity 0.3% for 159Tb
Instrument Response 400,000 counts/pg 159Tb
Detection Limit 500 antibodies/cell
Dynamic Range 4.5 orders of magnitude
Calibration Automatic
Operating System Windows® 7 Pro 64-bit
Data Storage 720GB RAID (mirrored)
Sample Introduction Dual loop, syringe
Peak Throughput 1,000 events/sec
Flow Rate 45 μL/min
Replicate Sample CV (normalized) <3%
Width 97 cm (38 in)
Height 132 cm (52 in)
Depth 79 cm (31 in)
Weight 285 kg (628 lb)

Width 38 cm (15 in)
Height 64 cm (25 in)
Depth 67 cm (27 in)
Weight 81 kg (178 lb)

Operating System Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
CPU Intel® Core™ i7 3930K
RAM 8 GB 2,400 MHz DDR3
Hard Drives 1.44 TB (6 x 240 GB SSD Corsair®
Force Series™ GS SATA3) in RAID 10 configuration
Data Storage 720 GB RAID (mirrored)
Video NVIDIA® NVS™ 310 x16 512 MB
Power Supply 650 W Antec® TruePower®
Serial Adapter Board 8 Port Native PCI Express RS232
Monitor ViewSonic® 24 in LED
Keyboard/Mouse Logitech® MK120 Wired
DVD/Blu-ray LG® SATA
Motherboard ASUS® P9X79 WS PRO
Enclosure Antec Titan 650
Data File Size imd    0.3 MB/sec/channel
fcs     12.4 bytes/event/channel
txt      2.4 bytes/event/channel
Width 20 cm (8 in)
Height 46 cm (18 in)
Depth 58 cm (23 in)
Weight 35 kg (77 lb)

Autosampler (optional)
Sample Volume 50–900 μL
Sample Format 3 x 96-well plate, up to 2 mL deep well
Sample Resuspension Probe pipet motion
Reagent Reservoirs Carrier (DIW)       250 mL
Wash Solution    250 mL
Rinse (DIW)         250 mL
Peak Throughput 1,000 events/sec
Flow Rate 45 μL/min
Replicate Sample CV (normalized) <3%
Width 39 cm (16 in)
Height 24 cm (10 in)
Depth 36 cm (14 in)
Weight 20 kg (44 lb)

Site Requirements​
Argon Gas Source Liquid or compressed gas
Pressure 522 ±7 kPa (80 ±1 psi)
Flow Rate 20 L/m
Purity ≥99.996%
Oxygen <5 ppm
Hydrogen <1 ppm
Nitrogen <20 ppm
Water <4 ppm
Exhaust Flow Rate 280 L/s (600 cfm)
Heat Dissipation 3,000 W (10,090 BTU/hr)
Electrical CyTOF 2 Two dedicated 30 A single-phase 220–240 V AC,50–60 Hz
Power Consumption 2 x 4,500 VA
Chiller Powered through instrument
Power Consumption 2,300 VA (via instrument)
Workstation 6 A, 100–240 V AC, 50–60Hz
Power Consumption 1,050 VA
Monitor 6 A, 110–230 V AC, 50–60 Hz
Power Consumption 100 VA
Autosampler 4.2 A, 100–240 V AC, 50–60 Hz
Power Consumption 100 VA
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手机版:CyTOF 2质谱流式细胞仪

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