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ASI SpectraView 光谱成像分析系统
英文名称:ASI SpectraView总访问:1263
产地/品牌:以色列 ASI产品类别:细胞分析仪
型       号:ASI SpectraView 最后更新:2025-2-21
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SpectraView光谱影像核心技术(HyperSpectral Imaging) 是先进的结合 影像 ( Imaging ) 与 光谱 ( Spectral ) 的技术, 此技术将撷取的影像,通过干涉仪 ( Interferometer  ) 以傅立叶变换处理, 读出影像中每一组成像素的光谱, 经此运算处理, 因为是读取分析光谱, 所以, 可以用光谱方式分辨出一般摄影机或眼睛无法分辨的影像颜色, 可以分辨出影像中任何细微差异的组成.


SpectraView 系统, 可以架设在显微镜上,  或者, 直接接上相机镜头 ( Macro lens ).



SpectraView Capabilities and Features

SpectraView system incorporates three modules, each having extent and unique capabilities:

  1. Database, to manage projects or patient data and imaging information
  2. Spectral Capture Module for a single click capture of hyper-spectral image in the visual and NIR
  3. Spectral Analysis Module with powerful capabilities in the spectral as well as spatial domain


Database – Case Data manager (CDM)

CDM is ASI’s database for managing the data and imaging information that is extracted while working with the system. Its multi-language capabilities make it suitable either for general research as well as for clinical patient information. For general research projects, CDM manages the project’s flow and enables multiple researchers to work on their shared or individual research tasks.

CDM is specially suited for microscopic applications, handling cases, slides and cell information with multiple options for viewing case results in tables and gallery, making comparison between cases /slides, creates reports and more.


Spectral Capture - Interferometer based hyper-spectral imaging



Details / Benefits

Spectral range: 400-1000nm

Full coverage of the visual range (400-700nm) as well as NIR till 1000nm in a single system, single capture. Nuance does not capture the deep blue region (below 420nm) which is part of the visual range.

Spectral resolution of 6nm at 400nm

Nuance of CRI has 20nm or 40nm per channel (depend on system ordered). This is more than three times better than Nuance

User defined spectral resolution.

Optimized spectral details and signal quality

Polarized insensitive

Nuance from CRI is based on a LCTF that is sensitive to polarization, and blocks 50% of regular light

High transmission efficiency

Sensitive and derive good SNR even with faint fluorescence samples. Nuance has only 4% transmission at 420 blue (2% for non-polarized light)


full spectral range is used for Live view

Focus and image view represents full image data. Also, the intensity of the entire spectrum enables faster and more relevant focus.

(Nuance focus must be done at a specific narrow filter that does not represents the entire image and transfers limited light intensity)

16 bit spectral image layers

Higher accuracy in quantitative image representation

Dual mode system to capture both Imaging and Hyper-spectral Imaging

Direct light (all colors, non-filtered) image capture can be used as a reference image. In addition, filter based applications exists using the “direct imaging mode”.

Exposure time from 1mSec-10sec

Large exposure per frame. Enables capture strong and faintest signals.



Spectral Analysis

SpectraView includes a general hyper-spectral image analysis module to address wide range of applications; however, it was mostly designed to address needs in microscopy and cell biology. To answer those needs, both morphological and spectral capabilities have been combined in a unique way to enable cell-based analysis. The following lists just few of the many capabilities of SpectraView.



Details / Benefits

Enables all imaging modes:TransmittanceFluorescence,Reflection


Supports both brightfield and fluorescent applications of all types

Graphical representation of spectra:

  • Original spectra
  • Transmittance
  • Absorption
  • Optical Density
  • Background subtracted



Informative spectral display to show relevant data and be valid for publication as normalized spectra.

Spectral un-mixing in brightfield as well as in fluorescence

Extracting quantitative per pixel information on molecular/stain content

Reveals “unexpected”cells/objects within the image

Dedicated image to show elements that have different spectrum than expected. Critical for various research applications.

Auto cell segmentation to identify cells and their nuclei. Performed also on spectral un-mixed images

Unique segmentation power is achieved by performing it on single un- mixed dye. E.g.: Hx (brightfield) or DAPI (fluorescence) can be used to identify the nuclei without the disturbance or overlapping dyes.

Advanced cell classification based on morphological and spectral data simultaneously.

Unique capability. Enables to classify cells to multiple pre-defined classes based on their shape and spectral characteristics (like IHC content).

Statistics table summarizing how many cells of each type were found

Immediate score of cells, for multiplex IHC staining and more

Background removal (uniform or non-uniform!)

Visualize the image without un-needed background effect

Multiple mathematical operations

between cubes, images and spectra.

Enables endless needs, including accurate normalization of spectra within the scene, cover for non-uniformities in microscope illuminations, background manipulation and more.

Load multiple cases/images simultaneously

Enables fast comparison between different regions, samples, preparations

Endless display options to show extracted single un-mixed layers, any subset of layers, classified cells, cell contours, spectral integration over specific range, spectral graphs and more.



Enables visualize the data in a simple and informative way. Paper-ready images and spectral graphs.

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手机版:ASI SpectraView 光谱成像分析系统

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