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超分辨率影像应用在活细胞影像撷取会面临下列的问题 :
超分辨率影像应用在固定细胞或组织影像撷取会面临下列的问题 :
RESCue STED 的功能之一, 就是解决上述问题的最佳手段
RESCue STED 有效应用于
会思考的光调控机制 ! REScue STED 是 Pulsed STED 超分辨技术可否提升到活细胞成像应用的关键 ! 在最深的厚度样本下, 保持 XY-Z 的最高解析, 同时维持长时间的成像, 不能伤害样本, 必须同时兼顾的一大挑战.
Abberior 突破了障碍, 发明了 RESCue STED, 提出了激光启动开关的决策机制.
RESCue STED 建构在脉冲式激光的高速时间反应, 可以精准的精侦测样本的荧光效益, 精准的控制 STED 激光的开与关.
RESCue STED @ 595 nm facilitates to record multiple STED images at the same position. Shown are Vero cells labelled with antibodies against nuclear pore complex subunits in the central channel of the complex and secondary antibodies coupled to Alexa Fluor 488.
RESCue STED @ 775 nm facilitates to record multiple STED images at the same position. Shown are Vero cells labelled with antibodies against nuclear pore complex subunits in the central channel of the complex and secondary antibodies coupled to Abberior STAR RED
RESCue STED in living yeast cells @ 595 nm. Shown are Citrine-labelled eisosomes in living yeast cells (sample courtesy of Prof. Dr. S. Jakobs, University Medical Center Göttingen). Note that only ~4 % of the light dose was applied during image generation (compared to gated cw STED).
左边 : RESCue-STED
经过 30 次的 RESCue-STED 扫描取像. STED 影像依然清晰可见, 因为几乎没有荧光漂白现象
右边 : 传统的 gated-STED
经过 30 次的 gated –CW STED扫描取像, STED 影像因为重复曝光, 产生严重的荧光漂白, 影像效果极差.
样本不会长时间曝在高功率的激光下, 仅是最少量的激光使用在样本上, 所以样本得以被保护.
RESCue STED 可以应用在 STED 超分辨的 2D, 3D, 4D 成像.