DRE-X20950009CY PAH-Mix 9 100 μg/mL in Cyclohexane 10ml
DRE-XA05030100ME Volatile Arom.& Unsat.Org.Comp.Mix 1 200μg/mL in Methanol 1ml
DRE-XA06100100AM PAH Mix 61 in Methanol/Acetone 1:1 1ml
DRE-XA06190100AC Triazine Pesticide Mix 1 100μg/mL in Acetone 1ml
DRE-L20950045AL PAH-Mix 45 10μg/mL in Acetonitrile 10ml
DRE-LA08273700IO Internal Standards Mix 37 15μg/mL in Isooctane 1ml
DRE-LA18000032CY 农残混标32 Pesticide-Mix 32 10μg/mL in Cyclohexane 1ml
DRE-LA19000010AL 苯酚混标10 Phenol-Mix 10 50μg/mL in Acetonitrile 1ml
DRE-LA19020100CY 麝香混标 Mix 1 of Musk a. Polycy. Musk Comp. 10μg/mL in Cyclohexane 1ml
DRE-X20030300ME PCB-Mix 3 100μg/mL in Methanol 10ml
DRE-XA05250100AC PAH Mix 525 100μg/mL in Acetone 1ml
DRE-LA18000020CY 农残混标20 Pesticide-Mix 20 10μg/mL in Cyclohexane 1ml
DRE-LA18000031AL 农残混标31 Pesticide-Mix 31 10μg/mL in Acetonitrile 1ml
DRE-LA18001037CY 农药混标1037 Pesticide-Mix 1037 10μg/mL in Cyclohexane 1ml
DRE-LA19060002CY Chlorinated Aromatics-Mix 2 10μg/mL in Cyclohexane 1ml
DRE-LA20030300CY PCB-Mix 3 10μg/mL in Cyclohexane 1ml
DRE-LA20033200AC PCB-Mix 32 10μg/mL in Acetone 1.1ml
DRE-XA05000023ME VOC-Mix 23 in Methanol 1ml
DRE-XA06220100CY 有机磷农药混标4 Organophosphorous Pesticides Mix 4 100μg/mL in Cyclohexane 1ml
DRE-LA18000013CY 农残混标13 Pesticide-Mix 13 10μg/mL in Cyclohexane 1ml
DRE-LA18000102AL 农残混标102 Pesticide-Mix 102, 50μg/mL in Acetonitrile 1ml
DRE-L20950013AL PAH-Mix 13 in Acetonitrile 10ml
DRE-L20950014CY PAH-Mix 14 10μg/mL in Cyclohexane 10ml
DRE-L20950045CY PAH-Mix 45 10μg/mL in Cyclohexane 10ml
DRE-LA19000018AL 苯酚混标18 Phenol-Mix 18 10μg/mL in Acetonitrile 1ml
DRE-LA22102103CY Chloroparaffin C10-C13 Mix 3 in Cyclohexane 1ml
DRE-LA20032000IO PCB-Mix 20 10μg/mL in Isooctane 1ml
DRE-X19070002ME Mix of Aromatic Hydrocarbons 2 100μg/mL in Methanol 10ml
DRE-XA05520700ME Drinking Water Odor Mix 1 100μg/mL in Methanol 1ml
DRE-XA06010200ME Purgeable Halocarbons Mix 2 200μg/mL in Methanol 1ml
DRE-L20950018AL PAH-Mix 18 10μg/mL in Acetonitrile 10ml
DRE-LA18000013TO 农残混标13 Pesticide-Mix 13 10μg/mL in Toluene 1ml
DRE-LA18000015AC 农残混标15 Pesticide-Mix 15 10μg/mL in Acetone 1ml
DRE-LA20031900IO PCB-Mix 19 10μg/mL in Isooctane 1ml
DRE-LA20399995HE Chlorinated Terphenyl Mix 1 10 ng/μL in n-Hexane 1ml
DRE-LA22102101CY Chloroparaffin C10-C13 Mix 1 in Cyclohexane 1ml
DRE-LA22102104CY Chloroparaffin C10-C13 Mix 4 in Cyclohexane 1ml
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