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销售商: 北京鑫宇泰科技有限公司 | 查看该公司所有产品 >> |
徕卡金相显微镜物镜HCX PLFLUOTAR5X/10X/20X/50X/100X/150X
徕卡金相显微镜物镜HCX PLFLUOTAR5X/10X/20X/50X/100X/150X
徕卡金相显微镜物镜HCX PLFLUOTAR5X/10X/20X/50X/100X/150X
Leica Semi-Apochromat
Leica semi-apochromats are objectives for applications in the visual spectral range with higher specifications, offering field flatness up to 25 mm.
The absolute values of the focus differences for the red wavelength and the blue wavelength to green wavelength (3 colors) are ≤ 2.5x depth of field of the objective.
There are two semi-apochromat classes:
PL Fluotars are powerful universal objectives with outstanding chromatic correction for at least three wavelengths which makes them suitable for fluorescence imaging.
Field planarity (PL) is computed for a 25 mm field of view. They are made of special glass to enable maximum transmission. This makes them powerful photon collectors in fluorescence microscopy.
Leica’s Fluotar portfolio features various application-optimized correction collars (CORR) to compensate for external influences such as temperature, coverslip thickness and immersion media.
Leica’s PL S-APO objectives come very close to the top-quality objectives of the Leica PL APO class. Magnifications from 1.6x to 63x enable perfect imaging.
Leica PL S-APO objectives are diffraction-limited over the entire visual field.
Their high transmission and chromatic correction make them high-performance objectives for demanding research work.