1. 最小0.5微米级别分辨率,可直接观察到活体的组织和细胞情况;应用领域:
1. 肝脏、肾脏、大脑、肿瘤等实质性脏器的成像及显微观察;
2. 口腔、呼吸道、胃肠道等腔道成像及显微观察;
3. 活体动物层面观察组织或细胞的病理切片信息;
4. 细胞的染色信息及抗体表达情况;
5. 荧光染料、纳米粒子的分布示踪;
6. 血管微循环信息;
案例一: 微血管成像与细胞示踪
案例二: 胃肠道成像
1. Validation of the use of a fluorescent PARP1 inhibitor for the detection of oral, oropharyngeal and oesophageal epithelial cancers-Nature Biomedical Engineer-2020
2. Poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase1 A potential molecular marker to identify cancer during colposcopy procedures-Journal of Nuclear Medicine-2020
3. Fluorescence‑guided resection of tumors in mouse models of oral cancer-Scientific Reports-2020
4. Progress in Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy for Neurosurgery and Technical Nuances for Brain Tumor Imaging With Fluorescein-Frontiers in Oncology-2019
5. PARP1 as a biomarker for early detection and intraoperative tumor delineation in epithelial cancers – first-in-human results-bioRxiv-2019
6. Many Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome Have Atypical Food Allergies Not Associated With Immunoglobulin E-Gastroenterology-2019
7. Fluorescence-based tracing of transplanted intestinal epithelial cells using confocal laser endomicroscopy-Stem Cell Research & Therapy-2019
8. Fluorescence Image histology pattern transformation using iamge style transfer-Frontiners in Oncology-2019
9. Fluorescein- and EGFR-Antibody Conjugated Silica Nanoparticles for Enhancement of Real-time Tumor Border Definition Using Confocal Laser -Nanomateria-2019
10. Real-time-in Vivo Microscopic Imaging of Equine Endometrium Using Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy Preliminary Observations and Feasibility Study-Journal of Equine Veterinary Science-2018
11. Prospects for Theranostics in Neurosurgical Imaging:Empowering Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy Diagnostics via Deep Learning-Advanced fluorescence imaging techniques in neurosurgery-2018
12. Probe-based three-dimensional confocal laser endomicroscopy of brain tumors technical note-Cancer Management and Research-2018
13. The potential role of optical biopsy in the study and diagnosis of environmental enteric dysfunction-Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology-2017
14. Inhalation of methane preserves the epithelial barrier during ischemia and reperfusion in the rat small intestine-Surgery-2017
15. Improving utility of brain tumor confocal laser endomicroscopy objective value assessment and diagnostic frame detection with convolutional neural networks-SPIE Medical Imaging-2017
16. Evaluation of immunological markers of ovine vaginal irritation:Implications for preclinical assessment of non-vaccine HIV preventive agents_Journal of Reproductive Immunology-2017
17. Acetylsalicylic acid-tris-hydroxymethyl-aminomethane reduces colon mucosal damage without causing gastric side effects in a rat model of colitis_Inflammopharmacology-2017
18. Reduced mucosal side-effects of acetylsalicylic acid after conjugation with tris-hydroxymethyl-aminomethane-Synthesis and biological evaluation of a new anti-inflammatory compound-European Journal of-2016
19. Handheld confocal laser endomicroscopic imaging utilizing imaging tumor‑specific fluorescent labeling to identify experimental glioma cells in vivo-SNI-2016
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