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美国Hausser Nageotte Chamber计数板
规       格:Hausser Nageotte Chamber 最后更新:2024-11-4
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销售商: 上海新领生物科技发展有限公司 查看该公司所有产品 >>
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美国Hausser scientific血球计数板,霍华德霉菌计数板,准确计算白细胞、红细胞、血小板、组织培养细胞、细菌和精子
The Hausser Nageotte Bright-Line Hemacytometer allows one to manually count low leukocyte concentrations below the capabilities of a standard Hemacytometer. The Nageotte contains two gridded counting areas each containing 40 rectangular areas. Total volume of each grid is 50 mL for a total volume of 100 mL per Nageotte. The Nageotte can accurately measure down to 0.1 cell/mL (100 cell/ml). Cell Depth is 0.5mm .
Available with an H-shaped moat(catalog#4000) that separates the two gridded areas or without a moat (catalog#4001). The Nageotte Chamber comes with two reusable cover slips(30mm X 33mm X 0.5mm) and 1/2 oz (approx. 35 pcs.) of disposable cover slips (30mm X 33mm X 0.15mm).
PROCESS:  Counting low levels of white cells in white cell-reduced plateletcomponents.
BACKGROUND: Determination of the white cell (WBC) count in WBC-reduced platelet components requires methods that have a detection limit in the range of approximately 5.0 x 10(2) to 5.0 x 10(4) per mL.
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: With a 50-microL Nageotte hemocytometer and bright-field microscopy (200x magnification), studies were conducted to develop and validate a method that could be used routinely with filtered and apheresis-harvested platelets. A 1-in-5 dilution of sample with a commercially available blood-diluting fluid was used because, with a lower (1-in-2) dilution, the observed number of WBCs was substantially less than the number expected at relatively high platelet counts (> 1.9 x 10(9)/mL).
RESULTS: The observed and expected WBC counts in WBC-reduced platelet samples correlated well at levels between approximately 5 and 1100 WBCs per counting area (5.0 x 10(2)-1.1 x 10(5)/mL). At levels of more than 300 to 400 WBCs per counting area, accurate counts were obtained when 10 of the 40 rectangles were counted.
CONCLUSION: These studies provide data to confirm that the 50-microL Nageotte hemocytometer can be used to accurately count low levels of WBCs in platelet components.
货号    产品描述
4000    美国Hausser Nageotte Chamber计数板,含2个cover slips(5400)、1盒5411
4001    Nageotte Counting Chamber,含2个cover slips(5400)、1盒5411
5400    Reusable盖玻片,30mm×33mm×0.5mm
5411    Disposable Cover Slips,30mm×33mm×0.5mm,约70片


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手机版:美国Hausser Nageotte Chamber计数板

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