从上到下依次是TBF-1 tag, TBA-1 tag and TBA-2 tag-黄色带有刻度
Please note that both exposed filament length and marker length can easily be varied to suit your custom requirements.请注意暴露再外面的细丝长度何标记长度可以根据习惯要求来改变。
T-Bar tags - convenient, cost effective and popular成本低,实用
一般而言,纤细的anchor tags(type TBF)适合绝大部分鱼类何加壳类动物,以下是理想范围
* Finfish (between dorsal or anal fin rays背鳍或者臀鳍之间) 15 cm TL - 30 cm TL
* Rock lobster大鳌虾(through moult suture) 3 cm CL - 6 cm CL
* Crabs螃蟹 (through moult suture) 4 cm CW - 7 cm CW
Standard anchor tags (type TBA) are suitable for most finfish and crustaceans according to the following optimal size ranges –标准anchor tags (type TBA)适合绝大部分鱼类何加壳类动物,以下是理想大小范围:
* Finfish 20 cm TL - 50 cm TL
* Rock lobster 6 cm TL to max. size
* Crabs 7 cm CL to maximum size
Average marker length is around 20 mm for TBF tags and 30 mm for TBA tags but can vary from around 12 mm to around 40 mm for TBF tags and from around 12 mm to 60 mm for TBA tags. The length of exposed filament is normally around 15 mm for TBF tags and 20 mm for TBA tags. Exposed filament lengths of between 10 mm and 40 mm are possible for both tag types. Please ensure that both the exposed filament length and the marker length preferred are provided when requesting quotations or ordering tags.
一般而言,TBF tags标记长度为20mm,TBA tags标记长度为30mm,但是根据实际情况,TBF tags可以定制从12mm-40mm,TBA tags标记长度可以定制从12mm-60,TBF外部长度一般为15mm,TBA外部细丝长度为20mm,2种标记的外部细丝长度可以定制10mm-40mm。